Can you tell which of these exam answers was written by an AI chatbot?AI-generated answers in exams outperformed human students and went unnoticed in 94% of cases.
Will OpenAI's new AI detection tool put an end to student cheating?AI cheating detection methods are improving, with OpenAI achieving 99.9% accuracy in identifying AI-written text.
ChatGPT outperforms undergrads in intro-level courses, falls short laterAI cheating is a significant concern as students can submit AI-generated work undetected, outperforming human students. Institutions need to address this issue proactively.
The Schools Without ChatGPT PlagiarismThe presence of a robust honor code and institutional resources helps prevent AI-related cheating in college.
I Just Discovered Something Very Troubling in an Unclosed Incognito Window on My Son's Computer. Oh no.Addressing academic dishonesty with empathy and understanding is essential in guiding children towards valuing integrity in their education.
Can you tell which of these exam answers was written by an AI chatbot?AI-generated answers in exams outperformed human students and went unnoticed in 94% of cases.
Will OpenAI's new AI detection tool put an end to student cheating?AI cheating detection methods are improving, with OpenAI achieving 99.9% accuracy in identifying AI-written text.
ChatGPT outperforms undergrads in intro-level courses, falls short laterAI cheating is a significant concern as students can submit AI-generated work undetected, outperforming human students. Institutions need to address this issue proactively.
The Schools Without ChatGPT PlagiarismThe presence of a robust honor code and institutional resources helps prevent AI-related cheating in college.
I Just Discovered Something Very Troubling in an Unclosed Incognito Window on My Son's Computer. Oh no.Addressing academic dishonesty with empathy and understanding is essential in guiding children towards valuing integrity in their education.
Parents Sue School After Son Fails Assignment for Using AI | EntrepreneurThe Harrises are suing a school over their son's failing grade due to alleged AI cheating, claiming unfair treatment and lack of clear policies.
I'm a teacher and this is how I can tell if students have used AIUsing a 'Trojan Horse' method can help catch AI cheaters in essays.English teacher demonstrates how to identify AI-generated essays through hidden prompts.
Parents Sue School After Son Fails Assignment for Using AI | EntrepreneurThe Harrises are suing a school over their son's failing grade due to alleged AI cheating, claiming unfair treatment and lack of clear policies.
I'm a teacher and this is how I can tell if students have used AIUsing a 'Trojan Horse' method can help catch AI cheaters in essays.English teacher demonstrates how to identify AI-generated essays through hidden prompts.