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1 month ago

Flexible Massey Ferguson 500R sprayers deliver agile application

Massey Ferguson 500R Series sprayers focus on agility, comfort, and advanced features for optimal efficiency in the field. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Hidden Food Threat: Experts Warn of Dangers of RNAi Crops

RNAi pesticides can genetically modify organisms with minimal oversight, posing risks to non-target species, human health, and organic agriculture. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

The Silver Bullet For Ending Food Waste On The Farm

Technology is being utilized to reduce food waste on farms, but cultural shifts and addressing labor abuses are crucial in solving the issue. [ more ]
Fast Company
6 days ago
Artificial intelligence

This Nairobi startup is using AI to add data science to African agriculture

Access to crucial environmental data is limited for farmers, particularly in developing nations like Africa. [ more ]
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