#accessory dwelling units

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#affordable housing
Chicago Tribune
7 months ago

Editorial: Zoning reform, less red tape key to more affordable housing

Affordable housing in Chicago is not solely reliant on government intervention, but can also be achieved through market-based solutions.
The group Urban Environmentalists is calling for reform of zoning regulations to promote transit-oriented development and increase affordable housing options. [ more ]
Yahoo News
7 months ago
NYC politics

New York City will pay homeowners up to $395,000 to build an extra dwelling in their garage or basement to help ease the housing shortage

New York City is launching a pilot program to fund the construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) for homeowners.
15 homeowners will receive up to $395,000 each to build the additional units.
The program aims to increase housing density and provide more affordable housing options in the city. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
7 months ago

Editorial: Zoning reform, less red tape key to more affordable housing

Affordable housing in Chicago is not solely reliant on government intervention, but can also be achieved through market-based solutions.
The group Urban Environmentalists is calling for reform of zoning regulations to promote transit-oriented development and increase affordable housing options. [ more ]
Yahoo News
7 months ago
NYC politics

New York City will pay homeowners up to $395,000 to build an extra dwelling in their garage or basement to help ease the housing shortage

New York City is launching a pilot program to fund the construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) for homeowners.
15 homeowners will receive up to $395,000 each to build the additional units.
The program aims to increase housing density and provide more affordable housing options in the city. [ more ]
moreaffordable housing
3 weeks ago
Los Angeles

Lessons from Los Angeles: The United States' Path to Regulating Accessory Dwelling Units

Cities are turning to ADUs to solve the housing crisis, emphasizing the importance of effective regulations and learnings from pioneers like Los Angeles. [ more ]
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