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Voicemod will now

let you create #AI #voices from scratch.

https://t.co/A0N0u5eDvq #fintech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning @askhalid @voicemod @verge
The Verge
9 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Voicemod will now let you create AI voices from scratch.

Voicemod has launched new features that allow users to create and share their own bespoke AI voices from scratch.
Users can use AI Voice Changer and Voicelab to create and fine-tune synthetic voices, resulting in an almost "unlimited" number of voices.
Voicemod's Community Voices feature allows users to share their DIY voices and access other users' voices. [ more ]
The Verge
9 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Voicemod will now let you create AI voices from scratch.

Voicemod has launched new features that allow users to create and share their own bespoke AI voices from scratch.
Users can use AI Voice Changer and Voicelab to create and fine-tune synthetic voices, resulting in an almost "unlimited" number of voices.
Voicemod's Community Voices feature allows users to share their DIY voices and access other users' voices. [ more ]
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