#Renewable energy

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14 hours ago

Opinion | Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Marketplace

Renewable energy like solar and wind is now cheaper than fossil fuels, though fossil fuel interests hinder market shift. [ more ]
High Country News
17 hours ago
OMG science

The race to understand the risks of the energy transition on wildlife - High Country News

Studying wildlife response to solar energy projects to mitigate impacts on pronghorn and other species, aiming to help wildlife survive energy transition. [ more ]
1 day ago

Electricity From Coal Is Pricey. Should Consumers Have to Pay?

An economic argument against coal power plants is becoming more influential in pushing for their closure, focusing on the cost to consumers and the financial burden on utilities. [ more ]
1 day ago
Data science

Can green tech meet surging energy demands?

Firms in the tech sector need to address sustainability strategies and carbon footprint amid increasing data creation and energy demands. [ more ]
1 day ago

California's community solar' rules deal new blow to industry

California regulators adopted rules that impact community solar projects, potentially discouraging smaller installations. [ more ]
1 day ago
OMG science

Climate change impacts on hydropower in the Middle East DW 05/31/2024

Water stress is worsening globally due to a combination of factors, impacting hydropower electricity generation and putting pressure on meeting renewable energy targets. [ more ]
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