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LogRocket Blog
1 week ago

Creating JavaScript tables using Tabulator - LogRocket Blog

Tabulator is a JavaScript library for creating feature-packed tables with improved rendering performance. [ more ]
2 months ago

Enhance Your React Apps with ShadCn Utilities and Components - SitePoint

ShadCn is a versatile library enhancing React applications.
Prerequisites include knowledge of JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, CSS, HTML, and Tailwind CSS. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 weeks ago

Comparing React state tools: Mutative vs. Immer vs. reducers - LogRocket Blog

Reducers help in elegantly modifying states based on action types, cleaning up complex state management in React projects. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Redux Toolkit adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit simplifies Redux development by providing utility functions.
Redux Toolkit encapsulates best practices and common patterns to streamline Redux workflow. [ more ]
1 month ago

GitHub - unadlib/use-travel: A most powerful and high-performance React state time-travel hook.

- Undo/Redo/Reset/Go/Archive functionalities
- High-performance library built on Mutative for state time travel [ more ]
2 months ago

4 Ways To Manage State In React in 2024

Context API allows global data sharing in React without manual prop passing.
Context API is simple but lacks performance optimizations and data fetching capabilities. [ more ]
2 months ago

GitHub - unadlib/use-mutative: A 2-6x Faster Alternative to useState with spread operation

UseMutative is 2-6x faster than useState with spread operation, more than 10x faster than useImmer.
RawReturn() can be used to wrap return values without drafts for performance improvement. [ more ]
2 months ago

Understanding Cookies and Sessions in React - SitePoint

Cookies are small chunks of data stored by the web browser for the web server.
Sessions represent the time users spend browsing a website and store user-specific data during a visit. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Integrating Django templates with React for dynamic webpages - LogRocket Blog

Django and React can be integrated to create dynamic websites by leveraging Django's server-side capabilities and React's interactive user interface. [ more ]
Product Hunt
3 months ago
Business intelligence

Open SaaS

1. An open-source React + NodeJS template with many features available.
2. Provides an admin dashboard, integration with Stripe, OpenAI, Plausible/Google Analytics, and more. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

Powerful React Form Builders to Consider in 2024 - SitePoint

Form builders simplify form creation in React, offering benefits like faster development, user-friendly design, and handling validation tasks. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

Creating a Navbar in React SitePoint

Navigation bar is essential for user interface to allow smooth navigation through a website.
React facilitates building reusable components like navbars and prioritizes accessibility for all users. [ more ]
1 month ago

GitHub - garronej/screen-scaler: One-size-fit-all web design: Screen-size agnostic development environment.

Design for specific screen size can enhance user experience
Screen-Scaler automatically adjusts app to fit any screen size [ more ]
2 months ago

Quick Tip: Creating a Date Picker in React - SitePoint

Adding a date picker to a React application can enhance user experience.
The react-datepicker library provides customization options like date format, minDate, maxDate, inline rendering, and portal rendering. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Essential tools for implementing React panel layouts - LogRocket Blog

Compositional frameworks like React are essential for modern web applications.
Dynamic panel layouts in React offer adaptability, user-friendliness, and customization. [ more ]
Epic Web Dev
2 months ago

Epic React Workshop Series

React experience is highly sought after in web development job listings.
React Server Components and Server Actions are revolutionary technology advancements in React. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
2 months ago
Web development

The End Of My Gatsby Journey - Smashing Magazine

Gatsby.js was initially a favored framework for the writer, but challenges like slow builds and outdated dependencies led to a shift in tooling choices.
The writer opted for a single-page application (SPA) using Vite and React over Gatsby for a time-sensitive project due to concerns like slow builds and plugin issues. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

Building UIs in Python with FastUI

Python platforms for web development often have limitations in terms of functionality and integration with the web ecosystem.
FastUI is a project that allows developers to build responsive web applications using React without writing JavaScript or using npm. [ more ]
3 months ago

13 Best Books, Courses and Communities for Learning React - SitePoint

React is a popular front-end library for building web applications with a focus on user interface design.
Having a solid foundation in JavaScript is important before learning React. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Web development

Developing a responsive mega menu in React - LogRocket Blog

Mega menus are an efficient way to navigate through a large amount of content on websites.
Creating a mega menu from scratch using React offers more control over design and functionality compared to using UI libraries. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

React onClick event handlers: A complete guide - LogRocket Blog

Event handlers determine what action will occur whenever an event is fired in React.
onClick is a fundamental event handler in web development, used to handle click events in HTML, JavaScript, and React. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago
Web development

Analog.js vs. Next.js vs. SolidStart: Comparing modern meta-frameworks - LogRocket Blog

Analog.js, Next.js, and SolidStart are meta-frameworks built on existing JavaScript frameworks.
Analog.js extends Angular.js, Next.js focuses on server-side rendering in React, and SolidStart enhances SolidJS with improved application structure and development tools. [ more ]
Product Hunt
3 months ago

Open SaaS

Open-source full-stack React + NodeJS template
Includes admin dashboard and integration with various services [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 years ago

Integrating Google Maps with React - LogRocket Blog

Google Maps is a powerful tool that can add real value to business and user experiences.
Integrating Google Maps into React apps is made easier with the google-map-react package. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 week ago

The Forensics Of React Server Components (RSCs) - Smashing Magazine

React Server Components (RSCs) combine server-side and client-side rendering for faster content delivery. [ more ]
1 week ago

Why Patching Globals Is Harmful

Patching globals in code can have significant impacts, often leading to misunderstandings and disagreements among developers. [ more ]
4 days ago

Snappy UI Optimization with useDeferredValue

The useDeferredValue hook in React can significantly enhance the performance of applications, particularly on low-end devices. [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
2 weeks ago

Implementing infinite scrolling with React. Writing E2E tests with Playwright

Implementing infinite scrolling with React using intersection observer and End-to-End tests with Playwright. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

React Rally 2024

React Rally is an inclusive conference dedicated to React and its ecosystem, offering valuable insights for developers at all levels. [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
3 weeks ago

JavaScript testing #18. E2E Playwright tests for uploading and downloading files

End-to-End testing file input functionalities in a React application can be achieved using Playwright. [ more ]
1 month ago

GitHub - epicweb-dev/react-server-components: Understand React Server Components and Server Actions by building a framework with them.

Deep experience with React and Suspense is required.
Basic understanding of Node.js is recommended for this workshop. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

CSS Hooks and the state of CSS-in-JS - LogRocket Blog

Inline styles simplify component styling but face limitations like no media queries or pseudo-classes. CSS-in-JS combines encapsulation with traditional CSS flexibility. CSS Hooks offer React developers a familiar way to leverage CSS-in-JS benefits. [ more ]
2 months ago

Top 10 Tools Every React Developer Needs in 2024

React SWR is essential for efficient data fetching and updating in React applications.
Bit is a next-generation building system that supports the development of composable React components. [ more ]
2 months ago

Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.

HTML markup errors can cause Hydration Error in Next.js app.
Adding missing tags in JSX can resolve Hydration Errors. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

Control Lazy Load, Infinite Scroll and Animations in React - SitePoint

React Intersection Observer assists in lazy loading, infinite scrolling, and animation triggers.
Lazy loading improves performance by deferring loads until elements are visible, benefiting page speed, data usage, and user experience. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #536

React Marquee is a marquee component for React.
ThumbmarkJS is a JavaScript library for creating browser fingerprint hashes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Top 10 React Design Systems in 2024

Design systems are important for UI development in React.
The best design systems for React in 2024 include MUI, Onsen UI, and Chakra UI. [ more ]
2 months ago

Building a Reusable Infinite Scroll Component With React

Infinite scroll feature improves user experience by continuously loading content without manual interaction.
Leveraging components with a next-generation build system like Bit allows for independent development and management. [ more ]
2 months ago

Building an End-To-End App In Under 5 Minutes

Apollo's useQuery API is utilized to define and invoke queries in React applications.
Building custom features involves creating entities, mock data, GraphQL queries, React hooks, and components. [ more ]
3 months ago

Understanding React useEffect - SitePoint

The useEffect hook in React enables side effect handling in functional components.
The dependency array in useEffect controls when the effect runs based on specified variables. [ more ]
Wisdom Geek
3 months ago

Why should we not use index as key in React Lists

Key prop is essential for rendering lists efficiently in React.
Using the index as the key prop can cause performance issues in certain scenarios. [ more ]
4 months ago

How To Create React Components That Run On Every React Framework?

React is used by over 1.8 million websites.
Maintaining a React design system that can be used across different frameworks can be achieved with Bit. [ more ]
5 months ago

Write a function in React that converts a given string?

The article discusses how to compress a string by counting consecutive characters.
The first solution is a JavaScript function, and the second solution is a React component.
Both solutions iterate through the input string and count consecutive characters. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Web design

Chakra UI adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Chakra UI is a popular React component library designed to simplify UI development and improve efficiency.
Chakra UI stands out for its excellent DX, support for building accessible components, and emphasis on style props. [ more ]
3 months ago

GitHub - Skolaczk/next-starter: A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.

Next.js 14 (App router)
React 18 [ more ]
3 months ago
Business intelligence

Building Interactive Data Visualizations with D3.js and React - SitePoint

Integrating React and D3.js for data visualizations
Handling data loading and manipulating elements [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Comparing TypeScript state management solutions - LogRocket Blog

State management in frontend development is important for maintaining data across multiple components.
TypeScript brings extra benefits for state management, such as type safety. [ more ]
3 months ago

Next.js App Router migration: the good, bad, and ugly

The Flightcontrol dashboard was rebuilt using Next.js App Router with a redesigned UI.
The decision to use Next.js App Router was based on its popularity and potential as part of React's future. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Using React and Strada to develop hybrid web and mobile apps - LogRocket Blog

Building hybrid applications allows for seamless compatibility between web and native platforms.
By using React and Strada, developers can create hybrid applications that offer a consistent user experience across different devices. [ more ]
3 months ago

Implementing User Authentication in React Apps with Appwrite - SitePoint

Authentication is the process of verifying a user's identity before granting access to an application.
Appwrite is a free, open-source application that helps developers to integrate backend technology into web applications. [ more ]
Wisdom Geek
3 months ago

React TypeScript: Simplify Imports with Path Aliases

Path aliases can simplify imports in large and complex codebases, making them more understandable and clear.
Path aliases can be set up in the tsconfig.json file of a TypeScript project to create import path shortcuts. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Building a custom compositional API with React Aria - LogRocket Blog

There are numerous UI libraries and kits available for React, but some may not provide easy customization at lower levels.
React Aria is a library of React Hooks that offers accessible UI primitives for creating design systems. [ more ]
3 months ago

Vite vs Create React App in 2024

To build a React app with Vite, install Bit on your local development environment.
Create a Bit organization, scope, and workspace to work with Bit components. [ more ]
The New Stack
3 months ago
Web frameworks

Take a Qwik Break from React with Astro

Qwik can be considered as an alternative to React
Paul Scanlon provides examples to compare React and Qwik [ more ]
5 months ago
Web frameworks

5 Common mistakes when using useEffect in React

1. useEffect requires specifying dependencies to ensure side effects run when necessary.
2. Overusing and improperly organizing useEffect blocks can lead to difficult-to-maintain code. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web frameworks

What's New in Server Side Rendering: React vs Angular vs Vue

Server-side rendering (SSR) is a technique that improves page load times, performance, and SEO by rendering web pages on the server.
Angular has made advancements in SSR, including non-destructive hydration and plans to integrate SSR into their CLI. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web frameworks

Scale Your React App with Storybook and Chromatic - SitePoint

Storybook is a valuable tool for frontend engineering teams to build component libraries and facilitate collaboration.
Installing and configuring Storybook in a React project enables features like documentation, testing, and visual regression testing. [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
3 months ago

API with NestJS #142. A video chat with WebRTC and React

Using WebRTC allows for direct peer-to-peer communication without relying on a middleman server, improving performance.
The article provides step-by-step instructions on capturing camera streams and creating video chat rooms using NestJS and React. [ more ]
3 months ago

2023 JavaScript Rising Stars

The most popular project in the JavaScript ecosystem is shadcn/ui, a collection of UI components that allows developers to build custom components.
Bun, a JavaScript runtime, package manager, test runner, and bundler, gained popularity and aims to be a replacement for Node.js. [ more ]
4 months ago

Top 5 React UI Component Libraries in 2024

Material-UI is an open-source React component library that implements Google's Material Design.
Headless UI is a React library that provides prebuilt UI components that can be easily customized. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

The Two Reacts

React is a UI programming paradigm that allows for the composition of independent components.
Components in React can run either on the user's computer or the developer's computer. [ more ]
4 months ago

Dependency Handling Best Practices in a React Components

Dependencies are one of the core elements of your React App.
Knowing more about Effective Dependency Handling and best practices when maintaining dependencies is crucial.
5 months ago

Tour of Heroes: MAUI, with ASP.NET Core 8 Backend

The 'Tour of Heroes' app is a tutorial app for Angular 2+ that demonstrates functional and technical features of building a real-world business application.
This series of articles explores the experiences of building the 'Tour of Heroes' app on different frontend development platforms, including Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin, and MAUI. [ more ]
5 months ago

How to Create a Sortable and Filterable Table in React - SitePoint

Dynamic tables in web applications help represent structured data. This tutorial focuses on creating a sortable and filterable table component in React.
The project uses Vite as a frontend tool and assumes a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.
Mock data is generated using the JSONPlaceholder API to populate the table. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago

Async rendering in React: Suspense, Hooks, and other methods - LogRocket Blog

React Suspense allows components to suspend rendering while async logic is pending
Suspense enables coordinated asynchronous rendering across the component tree
Functional components can be made asynchronous using React Suspense [ more ]
6 months ago

Creating a Composable React App with Data Fetching using Bit

Connecting React and GraphQL can be more complex than it initially appears
Maintaining copies of entities across frontend and backend can lead to inconsistencies
Using an automated build system can help manage entity updates and testing [ more ]
1 month ago

Use SignalDB with React | SignalDB

SignalDB is used with React and requires a signals library and a signals adapter for reactivity.
Installation includes SignalDB, a signals library (Maverick Signals), and a signaldb-react package for React bindings. [ more ]
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