Epic React Workshop SeriesReact experience is highly sought after in web development job listings.React Server Components and Server Actions are revolutionary technology advancements in React.
GitHub - unadlib/use-mutative: A 2-6x Faster Alternative to useState with spread operationUseMutative is 2-6x faster than useState with spread operation, more than 10x faster than useImmer.RawReturn() can be used to wrap return values without drafts for performance improvement.
GitHub - epicweb-dev/react-server-components: Understand React Server Components and Server Actions by building a framework with them.Deep experience with React and Suspense is required.Basic understanding of Node.js is recommended for this workshop.
Use SignalDB with React | SignalDBSignalDB is used with React and requires a signals library and a signals adapter for reactivity.Installation includes SignalDB, a signals library (Maverick Signals), and a signaldb-react package for React bindings.
GitHub - garronej/screen-scaler: One-size-fit-all web design: Screen-size agnostic development environment.Design for specific screen size can enhance user experienceScreen-Scaler automatically adjusts app to fit any screen size
Improving React App Performance: Leveraging Browser APIs to help React Compiler | HackerNoonLeverage built-in browser APIs and CSS pseudo-classes to enhance React app performance and simplify code.
Epic React Workshop SeriesReact experience is highly sought after in web development job listings.React Server Components and Server Actions are revolutionary technology advancements in React.
GitHub - unadlib/use-mutative: A 2-6x Faster Alternative to useState with spread operationUseMutative is 2-6x faster than useState with spread operation, more than 10x faster than useImmer.RawReturn() can be used to wrap return values without drafts for performance improvement.
GitHub - epicweb-dev/react-server-components: Understand React Server Components and Server Actions by building a framework with them.Deep experience with React and Suspense is required.Basic understanding of Node.js is recommended for this workshop.
Use SignalDB with React | SignalDBSignalDB is used with React and requires a signals library and a signals adapter for reactivity.Installation includes SignalDB, a signals library (Maverick Signals), and a signaldb-react package for React bindings.
GitHub - garronej/screen-scaler: One-size-fit-all web design: Screen-size agnostic development environment.Design for specific screen size can enhance user experienceScreen-Scaler automatically adjusts app to fit any screen size
Improving React App Performance: Leveraging Browser APIs to help React Compiler | HackerNoonLeverage built-in browser APIs and CSS pseudo-classes to enhance React app performance and simplify code.
Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.HTML markup errors can cause Hydration Error in Next.js app.Adding missing tags in JSX can resolve Hydration Errors.