#Privacy Rights

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4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Who Owns Your Voice in the Age of AI?

The use of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) raises questions about protecting individuals' appearance and voice rights. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

The Alaska Supreme Court Takes Aerial Surveillance's Threat to Privacy Seriously, Other Courts Should Too

Alaska Supreme Court ruled warrant needed for aerial backyard photography. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Who owns your voice? Scarlett Johansson OpenAI complaint raises questions

The use of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) raises questions about existing laws' ability to protect a person's appearance and voice. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

EFF to Court: Electronic Ankle Monitoring Is Bad. Sharing That Data Is Even Worse.

The government violates privacy rights by continuously tracking individuals on pretrial release through electronic monitoring. [ more ]
1 month ago

Fatemeh Fannizadeh on Crypto Law, Switzerland and How KYC Is Failing

Financial surveillance and compliance with financial laws can disproportionately impact innocent individuals, leading to a call for innovative solutions like DeFi and privacy technology. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

Police officers won't be forced to disclose their gender identity to state officials following lawsuit

Police officers in California no longer need to disclose their gender identity during traffic stops reporting. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Who Owns Your Voice in the Age of AI?

The use of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) raises questions about protecting individuals' appearance and voice rights. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

The Alaska Supreme Court Takes Aerial Surveillance's Threat to Privacy Seriously, Other Courts Should Too

Alaska Supreme Court ruled warrant needed for aerial backyard photography. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Who owns your voice? Scarlett Johansson OpenAI complaint raises questions

The use of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) raises questions about existing laws' ability to protect a person's appearance and voice. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

EFF to Court: Electronic Ankle Monitoring Is Bad. Sharing That Data Is Even Worse.

The government violates privacy rights by continuously tracking individuals on pretrial release through electronic monitoring. [ more ]
1 month ago

Fatemeh Fannizadeh on Crypto Law, Switzerland and How KYC Is Failing

Financial surveillance and compliance with financial laws can disproportionately impact innocent individuals, leading to a call for innovative solutions like DeFi and privacy technology. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

Police officers won't be forced to disclose their gender identity to state officials following lawsuit

Police officers in California no longer need to disclose their gender identity during traffic stops reporting. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

Germany's BMI approves Federal Data Protection Act draft

Germany's Federal Ministry of the Interior has approved a draft amendment of the Federal Data Protection Act.
The amendment includes a credit scoring regulation that prevents companies from discriminating against consumers based on certain personal information. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

EDPS says regulations on migrant smuggling, human trafficking have privacy risks

The regulations proposed to prevent human trafficking and migrant smuggling could have privacy implications.
Wojciech Wiewirowski is concerned about the lack of an impact assessment and the sensitive biometric data that would be involved. [ more ]
EFDPO - European Federation of Data Protection Officers
4 months ago
Business intelligence

National Insights: Navigating Data Protection Challenges under HinSchG: A Closer Look * EFDPO - European Federation of Data Protection Officers

European Data Protection Day is a day of action initiated by the Council of Europe
It has been celebrated annually since 2007 on January 28 [ more ]
5 months ago
EU data protection

Meta faces another EU privacy challenge over 'pay for privacy' consent choice | TechCrunch

Privacy rights advocacy group noyb is filing a complaint against Meta for allegedly breaching EU law by making it harder for users to withdraw consent to tracking ads.
Meta's previous legal bases for processing Europeans' data for ad targeting were invalidated in 2021.
Meta requires users who don't want to be tracked to pay for monthly subscriptions, while those who want free access have to 'consent' to tracking; noyb disagrees with this framing. [ more ]
Ars Technica
6 months ago

Suspects can refuse to provide phone passcodes to police, court rules

Criminal suspects can refuse to provide phone passcodes to police under the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.
The ruling from Utah's state Supreme Court could potentially be taken up by the US Supreme Court. [ more ]
#government surveillance
Electronic Frontier Foundation
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

In Landmark Battle Over Free Speech, EFF Urges Supreme Court to Strike Down Texas and Florida Laws that Let States Dictate What Speech Social Media Sites Must Publish

The Electronic Frontier Foundation argues that a 1998 federal law criminalizing access to digital works for lawful purposes is unenforceable and violates the First Amendment.
The EFF is urging the Supreme Court to reverse a ruling that allows the Justice Department to censor a platform's ability to publish information about government data requests. [ more ]
The Washington Times
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

House Judiciary Committee demands warrant, other safeguards on feds' FISA spy powers

The House Judiciary Committee released new legislation to overhaul the government's electronic spying law, proposing new limits on who can access communications.
The bill would require a warrant if the FBI wants to use an American's identity for a search of the data. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

In Landmark Battle Over Free Speech, EFF Urges Supreme Court to Strike Down Texas and Florida Laws that Let States Dictate What Speech Social Media Sites Must Publish

The Electronic Frontier Foundation argues that a 1998 federal law criminalizing access to digital works for lawful purposes is unenforceable and violates the First Amendment.
The EFF is urging the Supreme Court to reverse a ruling that allows the Justice Department to censor a platform's ability to publish information about government data requests. [ more ]
The Washington Times
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

House Judiciary Committee demands warrant, other safeguards on feds' FISA spy powers

The House Judiciary Committee released new legislation to overhaul the government's electronic spying law, proposing new limits on who can access communications.
The bill would require a warrant if the FBI wants to use an American's identity for a search of the data. [ more ]
moregovernment surveillance
#privacy rights
Electronic Frontier Foundation
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Latest Draft of UN Cybercrime Treaty Is A Big Step Backward

The new draft of the UN cybercrime treaty is raising concerns about criminalizing expression and dissent and enabling extensive surveillance powers.
The new draft retains a provision that poses a threat to encryption and allows states to access data stored by companies abroad. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Another S.702 reform bill lands, but no warrant requirement

US lawmakers have introduced alternative legislation to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act without requiring a warrant for US law enforcement agencies to access electronic communications.
Section 702 allows US intelligence agencies to monitor communications involving foreigners but can also be used to access the private communications of US citizens and green-card holders in certain circumstances.
The legislation introduced by Senator Mark Warner and others includes some safeguards for US person queries under Section 702, but has been criticized for not going far enough to protect privacy. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Meta's EU ad-free subscription faces early privacy challenge | TechCrunch

Privacy rights group noyb has filed a complaint against Meta's 'pay or okay' tactic to circumvent EU privacy rules.
noyb argues that the cost of Meta's ad-free subscription is far higher than the value the company derives from tracking users in the region.
The complaint is on behalf of an individual in financial distress who cannot afford the subscription cost to protect their privacy. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

California can share gun owners' personal information with researchers, appeals court rules

A state appeals court in California reversed a previous decision and ruled that the state can continue providing personal information of gun owners to researchers for studying gun violence.
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law allowing the Department of Justice to share identifying information of over 4 million gun owners with qualified research institutions.
Gun owners and organizations had sued the state, claiming that the data sharing violated their privacy rights. [ more ]
The Sacramento Bee
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

California can share gun owners' personal information with researchers, appeals court rules

A state appeals court in California has ruled that the state can continue providing personal information of gun owners to researchers for studying gun violence.
The court found that the lower court failed to consider the state's interest in studying and preventing gun violence when it temporarily blocked the law.
The data sharing law is among several gun measures in California that are being legally challenged. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

European lawmakers try to balance protection and privacy with law on explicit images of children

European Union lawmakers adopt amendments to draft law on preventing circulation of sexually explicit content of minors online.
Law would require internet providers to assess risks and take mitigation measures, but exclude end-to-end encrypted material from detection.
Reports of online child sexual abuse have increased globally, prompting the proposal to force online platforms to detect and remove the material. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Latest Draft of UN Cybercrime Treaty Is A Big Step Backward

The new draft of the UN cybercrime treaty is raising concerns about criminalizing expression and dissent and enabling extensive surveillance powers.
The new draft retains a provision that poses a threat to encryption and allows states to access data stored by companies abroad. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Another S.702 reform bill lands, but no warrant requirement

US lawmakers have introduced alternative legislation to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act without requiring a warrant for US law enforcement agencies to access electronic communications.
Section 702 allows US intelligence agencies to monitor communications involving foreigners but can also be used to access the private communications of US citizens and green-card holders in certain circumstances.
The legislation introduced by Senator Mark Warner and others includes some safeguards for US person queries under Section 702, but has been criticized for not going far enough to protect privacy. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Meta's EU ad-free subscription faces early privacy challenge | TechCrunch

Privacy rights group noyb has filed a complaint against Meta's 'pay or okay' tactic to circumvent EU privacy rules.
noyb argues that the cost of Meta's ad-free subscription is far higher than the value the company derives from tracking users in the region.
The complaint is on behalf of an individual in financial distress who cannot afford the subscription cost to protect their privacy. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

California can share gun owners' personal information with researchers, appeals court rules

A state appeals court in California reversed a previous decision and ruled that the state can continue providing personal information of gun owners to researchers for studying gun violence.
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law allowing the Department of Justice to share identifying information of over 4 million gun owners with qualified research institutions.
Gun owners and organizations had sued the state, claiming that the data sharing violated their privacy rights. [ more ]
The Sacramento Bee
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

California can share gun owners' personal information with researchers, appeals court rules

A state appeals court in California has ruled that the state can continue providing personal information of gun owners to researchers for studying gun violence.
The court found that the lower court failed to consider the state's interest in studying and preventing gun violence when it temporarily blocked the law.
The data sharing law is among several gun measures in California that are being legally challenged. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

European lawmakers try to balance protection and privacy with law on explicit images of children

European Union lawmakers adopt amendments to draft law on preventing circulation of sexually explicit content of minors online.
Law would require internet providers to assess risks and take mitigation measures, but exclude end-to-end encrypted material from detection.
Reports of online child sexual abuse have increased globally, prompting the proposal to force online platforms to detect and remove the material. [ more ]
moreprivacy rights
Electronic Frontier Foundation
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

The Intelligence Committees' Proposals for a 702 Reauthorization Bill are Beyond Bad

Both congressional intelligence committees have released proposals for reauthorizing Section 702 spying powers, largely unchanged despite repeated abuse.
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) released a report calling for reauthorization of Section 702, justifying the program with old justifications and referencing threats like ISIS and terrorism. [ more ]
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