#Northern Ireland peace process

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4 months ago
Europe politics

John Bruton obituary

John Bruton played a significant role in the Northern Ireland peace process during his time as taoiseach.
He advanced political negotiations through the joint framework agreement of 1995 and was candid in expressing his views even when he disagreed with his British counterpart. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Sunak risks ripping up Good Friday agreement over Rwanda, senior Tories say

Senior Conservatives warn that blocking human rights laws to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda could undermine the Northern Ireland peace process and damage UK-US relations.
The government plans to revive the Rwanda policy of sending asylum seekers to East Africa after a Supreme Court ruling, and believes a new treaty with Rwanda can address legal concerns.
Concerns have also been raised by the White House about the impact on the European Convention on Human Rights and the Good Friday agreement. [ more ]
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