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1 week ago

JetBrains releases Aqua IDE for test automation

JetBrains released Aqua, a new IDE tailored for test automation, supporting Selenium, Cypress, and Playwright. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

JetBrains launches 2024.1 with local AI code completion

JetBrains released 2024.1 updates for its IDEs with full-line code autocompletion powered by local AI models.
JetBrains aims to address privacy concerns by running AI models directly on the user's device, offering an offline experience. [ more ]
2 months ago
Information security

JetBrains fixes 26 'security problems,' offering no details

JetBrains urged users to upgrade due to 26 security issues in TeamCity.
JetBrains declined to disclose details for security fixes. [ more ]
2 months ago

JetBrains unveils CI/CD service for smaller teams

JetBrains launches TeamCity Pipelines for small and medium-sized software engineering teams
TeamCity Pipelines offers user-friendly UX with intelligent and optimized features for automation [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

JetBrains releases security fixes for TeamCity CI/CD system

Two critical security vulnerabilities discovered by Rapid7 in TeamCity On-Premises servers could allow an attacker to gain administrative control. [ more ]
2 months ago
Information security

JetBrains fingers Rapid7 for customer ransomware attacks

JetBrains defends against Rapid7's claims of silent patching by emphasizing responsible vulnerability disclosure.
JetBrains criticizes Rapid7 for releasing full details and exploit code of vulnerabilities just hours after patches, resulting in customer harm. [ more ]
Python Software Foundation Blog
6 months ago

It's time for our annual year-end PSF fundraiser and membership drive

The PSF is partnering with JetBrains for their end-of-year fundraiser for the fifth year in a row.
JetBrains is offering a 30% discount on PyCharm, with all proceeds going to the PSF.
There are multiple ways to support Python in 2023, including donations, investing in CPython and PyPI progress, and becoming a supporting member of the PSF. [ more ]
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