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1 year ago

Saying Adios to Custom Modals: Introducing the HTML Tag | HackerNoon

The <dialog> tag greatly simplifies the creation and handling of pop-ups in web applications. [ more ]
1 year ago

HTML Image Uploader: A Useful Guide | HackerNoon

Efficient file uploads are essential for online tools and mobile apps. [ more ]
Brad Frost
1 month ago
Web design

Raw-dogging websites

Embracing a raw approach to web development offers simplicity and avoids the complexities of modern frameworks. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Paragraphs | CSS-Tricks

HTML semantics extend beyond <p> to include several elements recognized as paragraphs by screen readers. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web frameworks

What is missing from the web? We're asking for Google

The CSS Day conference highlighted ongoing discussions around enhancing HTML and CSS for better web standards. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Dead Simple Markdown Guide to Line Breaks | HackerNoon

Using two spaces for line breaks is common but controversial; consider using the <br> HTML tag for better visibility and compatibility. [ more ]
1 year ago

Saying Adios to Custom Modals: Introducing the HTML Tag | HackerNoon

The <dialog> tag greatly simplifies the creation and handling of pop-ups in web applications. [ more ]
1 year ago

HTML Image Uploader: A Useful Guide | HackerNoon

Efficient file uploads are essential for online tools and mobile apps. [ more ]
Brad Frost
1 month ago
Web design

Raw-dogging websites

Embracing a raw approach to web development offers simplicity and avoids the complexities of modern frameworks. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Paragraphs | CSS-Tricks

HTML semantics extend beyond <p> to include several elements recognized as paragraphs by screen readers. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web frameworks

What is missing from the web? We're asking for Google

The CSS Day conference highlighted ongoing discussions around enhancing HTML and CSS for better web standards. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Dead Simple Markdown Guide to Line Breaks | HackerNoon

Using two spaces for line breaks is common but controversial; consider using the <br> HTML tag for better visibility and compatibility. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Glimmer DSL for XML 1.4.0 HTML To Glimmer Converter

Glimmer DSL for XML 1.4.0 was released with an HTML to Glimmer converter for legacy HTML code. [ more ]
4 months ago

Link Hover Style 266

The article discusses how to create a 3D slider using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. [ more ]
8 months ago
Web design

Understanding @scope Support in CSS

@scope is a new CSS at-rule that decouples HTML and CSS.
Writing one CSS class per HTML element can result in excessive code. [ more ]
HTML: The Bad Parts - HTMHell
9 months ago
Web design

HTML: The Bad Parts - HTMHell

HTML has accessibility and usability issues that web developers need to recognize and address.
The use of certain HTML attributes and elements, such as the 'select' attribute and the 'i' element, can cause problems for users. [ more ]
Stephanie Walter - Senior UX Designer, Mobile Expert, Conference Speaker, Blog writer and Teacher.
9 months ago
Web design

Pixels of the Week - December 17, 2023 by Stephanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.

Curated articles and resources about UX Design, User Research, UI and mobile design, HTML, CSS, and the web industry
Currently reading and prefacing Geoffrey Crofte's book 'Formulaire Web - Les erreurs à éviter qui vous coûtent cher'
Experimenting with a foil quill for the Cameo 4 and creating metallic gel pen Winter solstice cards [ more ]
9 months ago
Web design

Sizes="auto" pretty much requires width and height attributes

Auto-sizes for lazy-loaded images is a great addition to the platform.
Using sizes=auto requires specifying width and height attributes for <img> elements. [ more ]
9 months ago
Web design

WebKit Features in Safari 17.2

Web developers expect frequent browser updates to keep up with web technology changes.
Safari 17.2 is the biggest December release of web technology with 39 features and 169 fixes. [ more ]
Paolo Melchiorre
9 months ago
Web design

Paolo Melchiorre - Pelican 4.9: classless Simple theme with semantic HTML

The updated version of the "Simple" theme in Pelican 4.9 is now semantic and classless
The theme includes cleaner HTML code, accessible web pages, responsive design, and improved navigation for screen readers [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
10 months ago
Web design

Scoping CSS inline styles with css-scope-inline - LogRocket Blog

Inline style tags in HTML have scoping issues, affecting the entire HTML page by default.
There are workarounds like using unique DOM identifiers or frontend frameworks, but css-scope-inline offers a simple solution using a JavaScript code snippet.
Inline style tag scoping can be useful for keeping both element structures and styling definitions in the same place for better readability. [ more ]
Zach Leatherman
10 months ago

An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components-zachleat.com

Building web components is an evolving process that often involves refactoring older components.
HTML web components can be categorized into three types: those that enhance interactivity, those that augment nested HTML, and those that dynamically customize HTML for specific user agents. [ more ]
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