#Geert Wilders

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2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Netherlands: Former spy chief to lead right-wing coalition DW 05/28/2024

Former head of Dutch intelligence, Dick Schoof, to become Prime Minister at the head of a right-wing-led coalition government. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Far-right Geert Wilders agrees deal for Dutch coalition government

Far-right leader Geert Wilders forms his first rightwing coalition government in the Netherlands, leading an uneasy four-party alliance. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Wilders on verge of forming EU's latest hard-right government

Geert Wilders is close to forming a four-way coalition in the Netherlands, despite not expecting to become the prime minister due to his extreme views. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

A Dutch anti-Islam party is on the verge of forming the EU's latest hard-right government

Anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders is close to forming a four-party coalition in the Netherlands, pointing towards a rise in hard-right and populist parties across the EU. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Geert Wilders won't be Dutch PM, but he can still harm Europe. Here's how to stop him | Ties Dams

Wilders unexpectedly unable to become PM despite winning Dutch elections last year.
Wilders as the leader of the biggest party in parliament can still influence the government's agenda and choice of next PM. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Geert Wilders Says He Will Forgo Becoming Dutch Prime Minister

Geert Wilders is willing to forgo becoming prime minister to increase chances of forming a right-wing coalition.
Formation of a right-wing coalition in the Netherlands with Wilders's party is now more likely, breaking a taboo of mainstream parties. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Netherlands: Former spy chief to lead right-wing coalition DW 05/28/2024

Former head of Dutch intelligence, Dick Schoof, to become Prime Minister at the head of a right-wing-led coalition government. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Far-right Geert Wilders agrees deal for Dutch coalition government

Far-right leader Geert Wilders forms his first rightwing coalition government in the Netherlands, leading an uneasy four-party alliance. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Wilders on verge of forming EU's latest hard-right government

Geert Wilders is close to forming a four-way coalition in the Netherlands, despite not expecting to become the prime minister due to his extreme views. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

A Dutch anti-Islam party is on the verge of forming the EU's latest hard-right government

Anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders is close to forming a four-party coalition in the Netherlands, pointing towards a rise in hard-right and populist parties across the EU. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Geert Wilders won't be Dutch PM, but he can still harm Europe. Here's how to stop him | Ties Dams

Wilders unexpectedly unable to become PM despite winning Dutch elections last year.
Wilders as the leader of the biggest party in parliament can still influence the government's agenda and choice of next PM. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Geert Wilders Says He Will Forgo Becoming Dutch Prime Minister

Geert Wilders is willing to forgo becoming prime minister to increase chances of forming a right-wing coalition.
Formation of a right-wing coalition in the Netherlands with Wilders's party is now more likely, breaking a taboo of mainstream parties. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Europe has entered a new age of anxiety and it's dragging Britain along too | Martin Kettle

Europe is facing multiple drivers of national and regional insecurity.
The success of Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom in the Netherlands' general election has sent shockwaves through Europe.
The five main insecurities confronting all Europeans are the military threat from Russia, economic stagnation and inequality, migration, climate crisis, and the weakening of the nation state. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
Europe news

Dutch election shows far right rising and reshaping Europe

Geert Wilders and his far-right Party for Freedom finished in first place in the Netherlands' parliamentary elections.
Wilders' strong showing serves as a warning to mainstream Europe and is welcomed by other far-right leaders in the region. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Europe's far-right populists buoyed by Wilders' win in Netherlands, hoping the best is yet to come

Geert Wilders of the far-right Party for Freedom in the Netherlands scored a massive and unexpected election victory, doubling the size of his party in parliament.
The far right in Europe sees Wilders' win as a hopeful sign for nationalist conservative populists, particularly with the European Parliament election coming up in June.
Wilders' success may be difficult to replicate, but it has brought about a tectonic change in the Dutch political landscape. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
Europe news

Dutch election shows far right rising and reshaping Europe

Geert Wilders and his far-right Party for Freedom finished in first place in the Netherlands' parliamentary elections.
Wilders' strong showing serves as a warning to mainstream Europe and is welcomed by other far-right leaders in the region. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Europe's far-right populists buoyed by Wilders' win in Netherlands, hoping the best is yet to come

Geert Wilders of the far-right Party for Freedom in the Netherlands scored a massive and unexpected election victory, doubling the size of his party in parliament.
The far right in Europe sees Wilders' win as a hopeful sign for nationalist conservative populists, particularly with the European Parliament election coming up in June.
Wilders' success may be difficult to replicate, but it has brought about a tectonic change in the Dutch political landscape. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson links Dublin race riots' to immigration fears

Boris Johnson suggests that countries like Ireland are concerned about the pace of immigration.
Johnson argues for the UK to take tougher action on immigration, citing the Dublin race riots as an example.
Johnson highlights the success of anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Why Wilders won: Election boosts Dutch far right, but what happens next?

Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom won a historic election in the Netherlands, becoming the largest single bloc in the legislature.
Wilders's anti-immigration and anti-EU rhetoric resonated with voters, fueled by poverty and fear of competition from migration.
Wilders's victory marks a turning point for the far-right party and signals a shift in Dutch public opinion. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson links Dublin race riots' to immigration fears

Boris Johnson suggests that countries like Ireland are concerned about the pace of immigration.
Johnson argues for the UK to take tougher action on immigration, citing the Dublin race riots as an example.
Johnson highlights the success of anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Why Wilders won: Election boosts Dutch far right, but what happens next?

Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom won a historic election in the Netherlands, becoming the largest single bloc in the legislature.
Wilders's anti-immigration and anti-EU rhetoric resonated with voters, fueled by poverty and fear of competition from migration.
Wilders's victory marks a turning point for the far-right party and signals a shift in Dutch public opinion. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Europe's far-right populists buoyed by Wilders' win in Netherlands, hoping the best is yet to come

Geert Wilders achieved a significant and unexpected election victory, more than doubling his party's seats in parliament.
The success of Wilders and other far-right parties in Europe gives hope to nationalist conservative populists ahead of the European Parliament election.
Populism is on the rise in Europe, as seen in the recent electoral successes of far-right parties in the Netherlands, Germany, and Slovakia. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Dutch voters embrace anti-Muslim populist Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders, the far-right, anti-Islam populist, has achieved a massive parliamentary election victory in the Netherlands, which is one of the biggest political upsets in the country since World War II.
Wilders' party, the Party for Freedom, won 35 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament, more than double what they won in the last election.
The result has the potential to send shockwaves through Europe and could put Wilders in line to become the country's first hard-right prime minister. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Europe's far-right populists buoyed by Wilders' win in Netherlands, hoping the best is yet to come

Geert Wilders achieved a significant and unexpected election victory, more than doubling his party's seats in parliament.
The success of Wilders and other far-right parties in Europe gives hope to nationalist conservative populists ahead of the European Parliament election.
Populism is on the rise in Europe, as seen in the recent electoral successes of far-right parties in the Netherlands, Germany, and Slovakia. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Dutch voters embrace anti-Muslim populist Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders, the far-right, anti-Islam populist, has achieved a massive parliamentary election victory in the Netherlands, which is one of the biggest political upsets in the country since World War II.
Wilders' party, the Party for Freedom, won 35 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament, more than double what they won in the last election.
The result has the potential to send shockwaves through Europe and could put Wilders in line to become the country's first hard-right prime minister. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Exit Poll: Far-Right Dutch Politician Geert Wilders Wins In Landslide

Far-right, anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders is projected to win a landslide victory in the Dutch election.
Wilders' Party for Freedom won 35 seats in the lower house of parliament, more than double the last election.
Mainstream parties are reluctant to join forces with Wilders, but the size of his victory strengthens his hand in negotiations. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Dutch election: Voters to replace PM Mark Rutte DW 11/22/2023

Dutch voters head to the polls in a fierce race to replace Prime Minister Mark Rutte
Candidates include Dilan Yesilgoz-Zegerius, Geert Wilders, and Frans Timmermans
Rutte's coalition collapsed over disagreements on asylum seekers [ more ]
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