#EU laws

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5 months ago
Privacy professionals

EU Should Not Allow Anti-Tech Organizations to Weaponize EU Laws to Protect Freeloaders

Advocacy groups in Europe are filing complaints against Meta and Google, claiming that their methods of monetization violate EU laws.
These groups are essentially demanding that online services provide access to their platforms even if users block ads and refuse to pay for an ad-free experience. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

EU Should Not Allow Anti-Tech Organizations to Weaponize EU Laws to Protect Freeloaders

Advocacy groups in Europe are filing complaints against Meta and Google, claiming that their methods of monetization violate EU laws.
These groups are essentially demanding that online services provide access to their platforms even if users block ads and refuse to pay for an ad-free experience. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

EU Should Not Allow Anti-Tech Organizations to Weaponize EU Laws to Protect Freeloaders

Advocacy groups in Europe are filing complaints against Meta and Google, claiming that their methods of monetization violate EU laws.
These groups are essentially demanding that online services provide access to their platforms even if users block ads and refuse to pay for an ad-free experience. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

Rise in hate speech on social media platforms, new EU report finds

Women, people of African descent, Jewish, and Roma people are the most targeted in online hate speech.
EU laws and policies to regulate online content and hate speech have not been implemented effectively enough. [ more ]
6 months ago
EU data protection

EU laws to protect press freedom in jeopardy, campaigners claim

Proposed EU laws to protect journalists from government hacking and uphold press independence are at risk due to watering down behind the scenes.
The European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) may not achieve its original aim to give robust protection to the press.
Concerns include competition, plurality of media, and the ability of member states to insert spyware on journalists' phones. [ more ]
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