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2 days ago

Alzheimer's Takes a Financial Toll Long Before Diagnosis, Study Finds

Changes in financial behavior can signal cognitive decline long before a dementia diagnosis. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
2 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Tips for Detecting Early Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

Elderly are more susceptible to dementia, mainly Alzheimer's, affecting millions globally, predominantly women. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Half a Tablespoon of Olive Oil a Day May Keep Dementia at Bay, Harvard Study Finds

Daily consumption of olive oil may reduce the risk of dementia-related death by 28%. [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 weeks ago
New York City

"Consolation," by Andre Alexis

Arguments with loved ones can have unforeseen consequences that linger long after they are resolved. [ more ]
Irish Independent
3 weeks ago

Advanced dementia patients may briefly regain memory months before they die

Lucidity episodes in dementia patients can occur more than six months before death. [ more ]
Irish Independent
3 weeks ago

Advanced dementia patients may briefly regain memory months before they die

Some patients with late-stage Alzheimer's experience periods of lucidity, triggered by external stimuli, months before death. [ more ]
4 months ago

6 Seemingly Harmless Habits That May Increase Your Risk Of Dementia

Not moving your body enough or sitting for too long
Not socializing enough [ more ]
5 months ago

Your Age Won't Tell You Much About Your Health - This Marker Will Reveal Much More

As we journey through life, the risk of developing chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and neurological disorders, increases significantly.
5 months ago
Mental health

Bolstering our sense of smell may reduce the risk of dementia

Whether it is the waft of clove-studded oranges or the crisp fragrance of a fir tree, the festive season is filled with aromas that conjure Christmases past.
5 months ago

Take the test: New MGH study shows a high 'Brain Care Score' can lower risk of dementia, stroke

The McCance Center for Brain Health has developed a tool called Brain Care Score (BCS) that helps patients understand how their habits and health affect brain health.
Higher BCS is associated with a lower risk of dementia and stroke later in life, according to a new study. [ more ]
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