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3 months ago
Food & drink

Beware: A cheese crisis looms

Camembert is on the verge of extinction due to a collapse in microbial diversity
The genetic diversity of some microbes in famous French cheeses has declined [ more ]
3 months ago
France news

Think Emmanuel Macron has problems? Wait until the French find out about the existential threat to camembert | Emma Beddington

Camembert cheese is facing potential extinction due to a lack of genetic diversity in the bacteria required for its production.
The industrial cheesemaking process has led to the reliance on a single strain of bacteria that cannot reproduce with other strains. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Yes, France is part of the European Union's heart and soul. Just don't touch its Camembert cheese

Legislators at the European Parliament are voting on a proposal that would make it illegal for Camembert cheese to be packaged in wooden boxes during its ripening process
The EU plans to move away from using wood in food packaging to promote sustainable recycling
The defense of wooden boxes for Camembert cheese is supported by the center-right European People's Party [ more ]
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