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1 day ago
Artificial intelligence

Council Post: Marketing 2.0: Embracing The AI-Powered Future

AI-driven marketing transformation is reshaping client engagement and strategy execution in Marketing 2.0. [ more ]
1 day ago
Artificial intelligence

Best AI Design Tools For New Designers (2024) - Shopify

AI design tools empower users with no artistic skills to create professional visuals through automation and AI algorithms. [ more ]
2 days ago

Tracking Gemini Models with Pipedream

Keeping track of available models in generative AI can be automated using API methods like list_models. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
2 days ago
Artificial intelligence

Angel Montesdeoca, IBM: The role of AI in modern software development

The age of generative AI is here, with a focus on automating mundane tasks and freeing up developers for higher impact decision-making. [ more ]
4 days ago
Artificial intelligence

Loan Factory unveils AI application tool

Loan Factory introduces AI tool to simplify mortgage process. [ more ]
4 days ago
Artificial intelligence

5 PR Mistakes AI Startups Must Avoid | Entrepreneur

Artificial intelligence is transforming entrepreneurship, with significant funding and interest in AI startups.
AI has moved from niche to must-have, with Gen AI expected to reach a $1.3 trillion market by 2032.
AI is not just for consumer products; it offers automation and data synthesis opportunities in regulated sectors like healthcare and finance. [ more ]
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