22 Years Later, A Groundbreaking Apocalyptic Franchise Is Teasing A Shocking Twist
28 Years Later presents a sequel conceptually tied to the thematic and narrative threads from 28 Days Later, exploring darker aspects of survival and humanity.
Could Cillian Murphy reprise role in 28 Years Later? Actor 'spotted' in trailer
Cillian Murphy's potential return in 28 Years Later excites fans, but his official cast status remains unconfirmed, as he's listed as an executive producer.
The Most Exciting Apocalypse Sequel Of The Year Is Missing Its Most Iconic Character
Cillian Murphy is involved as an executive producer for 28 Years Later but will not appear in front of the camera.
Is Cillian Murphy's Jim hidden in the '28 Years Later' trailer?
Cillian Murphy's character Jim may be revealed as a zombie in '28 Years Later,' the third installment of the horror film series.
22 Years Later, A Groundbreaking Apocalyptic Franchise Is Teasing A Shocking Twist
28 Years Later presents a sequel conceptually tied to the thematic and narrative threads from 28 Days Later, exploring darker aspects of survival and humanity.
Could Cillian Murphy reprise role in 28 Years Later? Actor 'spotted' in trailer
Cillian Murphy's potential return in 28 Years Later excites fans, but his official cast status remains unconfirmed, as he's listed as an executive producer.
The Most Exciting Apocalypse Sequel Of The Year Is Missing Its Most Iconic Character
Cillian Murphy is involved as an executive producer for 28 Years Later but will not appear in front of the camera.
Is Cillian Murphy's Jim hidden in the '28 Years Later' trailer?
Cillian Murphy's character Jim may be revealed as a zombie in '28 Years Later,' the third installment of the horror film series.