The Prison Rodeo at the Heart of Legal EnslavementAngola Prison exemplifies legal slavery in the U.S., emphasizing the exploitation of incarcerated individuals through prison labor on its massive farmland.
Op-Ed: Why California Voters Should End Forced Prison LaborProposition 6 aims to abolish forced prison labor in California, addressing systemic injustices rooted in the 13th Amendment's loophole.
The Prison Rodeo at the Heart of Legal EnslavementAngola Prison exemplifies legal slavery in the U.S., emphasizing the exploitation of incarcerated individuals through prison labor on its massive farmland.
Op-Ed: Why California Voters Should End Forced Prison LaborProposition 6 aims to abolish forced prison labor in California, addressing systemic injustices rooted in the 13th Amendment's loophole.
Your guide to Proposition 6, California's measure to ban involuntary servitude in prisonsProposition 6 aims to eliminate involuntary servitude in California prisons and jails, closing a loophole in the state Constitution regarding punishment for crimes.