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Game Informer
3 months ago
Video games

A Return To Fantasy

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim was Vanillaware's breakout title with over 1 million copies sold worldwide due to its beloved story and real-time strategy mech combat.
Vanillaware's new game, Unicorn Overlord, is a tactical fantasy RPG conceptualized alongside 13 Sentinels, deviating from the studio's usual fantasy genre roots. [ more ]
7 months ago
Video games

Best Nintendo Switch games for grown-ups

The Nintendo Switch has a robust library of first-party games for all ages, but there are also games for grown-ups.
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is a game that blends hard sci-fi visual novels, real-time military strategy, and an abundance of retro anime references. [ more ]
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