
1 year ago
Russo-Ukrainian War

General Staff: Russia to withdraw heavy arti...

General Staff: Russia to withdraw heavy artillery from Kherson.
Russian forces plan to remove its artillery from the Dnipro River's right bank in Kherson Oblast, which includes the city of Kherson, the General Staff reported on Oct. 30.
1 year ago
Russo-Ukrainian War

Lithuanian FM calls on allies to secure Ukrai...

Lithuanian FM calls on allies to secure Ukraine's grain exports with military escorts.
After Russia announced that it suspends the UN deal that allowed the export of Ukrainian grain, Lithuanian FM Gabrielius Landsbergis said that "negotiating with Russia doesn't work."
Landsbergis wrote on Twitter that if Putin continues to jeopardize Ukraine's grain exports, "the free world must unite to safeguard shipping with military escorts." ...
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