
3 weeks ago

Florida's Black history standards are even worse than reported

Editor's note: The following article is an op-ed, and the views expressed are the author's own.
Read more opinions on theGrio.
Washington Post
3 weeks ago

Analysis | 13 books on the history of black America for those who really want to learn

The national uprising for racial justice and social change sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis has prompted new calls for changes in school curriculum that reflect the broad reality of black America - but there's no reason that students should be the only ones learning.
3 weeks ago

Black Reparations Inspiring a Multicolored Pandora's Box of Intersectional Demands

But the reparations movement is bigger and wider than that.
3 weeks ago

6 Ways Coffee Helped Transform the World | HISTORY

More than five centuries ago, when coffee was a localized crop in the East African territories of Ethiopia and Yemen, Arab Sufi monks used the beverage for a similar purpose that people drink it today-to get a boost to stay awake.
BBC News
3 weeks ago

The significance of Sarah Baartman

Baartman's promoters nicknamed her the "Hottentot Venus", with "hottentot" - now seen as derogatory - then being used in Dutch to describe the Khoikhoi and San, who together make up the peoples known as the Khoisan.
Washington Post
3 weeks ago

Perspective | The myth of Alamo gets the history all wrong

The 1836 battle for the Alamo is remembered as a David vs. Goliath story.
3 weeks ago

Arkansas says AP African American Studies is 'indoctrination,' students can't earn credit

Access to AP African American Studies is now in question for dozens of students in Arkansas, the latest state to challenge the course over what it calls "indoctrination."
3 weeks ago

Rebroadcast: Why the past 75 years of human history have been 'an anomaly'

With two wars raging and dynastic power on the rise around the world, the post-1945 world order feels like it's being tested like never before.
3 weeks ago

Black churches in Florida buck DeSantis: 'Our churches will teach our own history.'

The 30 or so people who logged on to hear about the trans-Atlantic slave trade Wednesday night was just what Pastor Kenneth Johnson had hoped for - a sign that his congregation in Fort Pierce, Florida, was interested in learning more about Black history.
The Conversation
3 weeks ago

Holocaust victims got reparations, so why not descendants of trans-Atlantic slavery?

Jewish survivors of the Holocaust have received reparations, but African descendants of victims of the slave trade have not - even though it's a moral responsibility of the nations who benefited from slavery to provide them.
3 weeks ago

The controversy over AP African American studies, explained

When the College Board began developing its AP African American studies class amid the social justice uprisings of 2020, it set out to create a pathbreaking high school class that would demand that students deeply engage with African American history, culture, movements, and debates.
3 weeks ago

Florida's new Black history curriculum says "slaves developed skills" that could be used for "personal benefit"

Florida's 2023 Social Studies curriculum will include lessons on how "slaves developed skills" that could be used for "personal benefit," according to a copy of the state's academic standards reviewed by CBS News.
Smithsonian Magazine
3 weeks ago

Largest Human Family Tree Identifies Nearly 27 Million Ancestors

Researchers using modern and ancient genomes have created the largest human family tree ever made, reports Jack Guy of CNN.
Scot Scoop News
3 weeks ago

World History to replace European History at Carlmont

Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, a World History and AP (Advanced Placement) World History will replace the current Carlmont curriculum for sophomores of European History and AP European History.
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