
RT @RoxanaDaneshjou: Don’t go into healthcare if there is someone you would refuse to treat.
LGBTQ Nation
1 year ago
Public health

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill legalizing anti-LGBTQ+ medical discrimination

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has signed the "Protections of Medical Conscience Act," a law that allows healthcare providers or payors to deny service on the basis of "a conscience-based objection," including any ethical, moral, or religious beliefs.The bill provides no definition for what constitutes a "moral" or "ethical" belief.
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1 year ago
US politics

Exclusive: Rep. George Santos charged by Justice Department in federal probe

Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against New York Rep. George Santos, the Republican lawmaker whose astonishing pattern of lies and fabrications stunned even hardened politicos, according to three sources familiar with the matter.Santos is expected to appear as soon as Wednesday at federal court in New York's eastern district, where the charges have been filed under seal.
Washingtonian - The website that Washington lives by.
1 year ago
Washington DC

Clarence Thomas's Billionaire Benefactor Collects Hitler Artifacts - Washingtonian

When Republican megadonor Harlan Crow isn't (in possible violation of Supreme Court ethics rules), he lives a quiet life in Dallas among his historical collections.These Hitler artifacts- lavishing Justice Clarence Thomas with free trips on his private plane and yacht collections include two of his paintings of European cityscapes, a signed copy of , and assorted Nazi memorabilia -plus a garden full of statues of the 20th century's worst despots.
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