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1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

A.I. Start-Ups Face a Rough Financial Reality Check

The financial pressure in the A.I. industry has raised concerns about sustainability and profitability for start-ups relying heavily on generative A.I. [ more ]
2 months ago
Startup companies

Reddit Said to Price I.P.O. at $34 a Share, in a Positive Sign for Tech

Reddit priced shares at $34, showing strong investor demand for tech companies.
Reddit's IPO pricing a good sign for start-ups and venture capitalists. [ more ]
4 months ago
Tech industry

Focused Cuts and Fewer Layers: Tech Layoffs Enter a New Phase

Tech companies, including Meta, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, have entered a new phase of cost cutting by making smaller, targeted job trims and focusing on key products like AI.
Some tech start-ups have made deeper job cuts to survive potential extinction, while larger companies are looking for more growth and profit. [ more ]
2 months ago
Startup companies

Reddit Said to Price I.P.O. at $34 a Share, in a Positive Sign for Tech

Reddit priced shares at $34, showing strong investor demand for tech companies.
Reddit's IPO pricing a good sign for start-ups and venture capitalists. [ more ]
4 months ago
Tech industry

Focused Cuts and Fewer Layers: Tech Layoffs Enter a New Phase

Tech companies, including Meta, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, have entered a new phase of cost cutting by making smaller, targeted job trims and focusing on key products like AI.
Some tech start-ups have made deeper job cuts to survive potential extinction, while larger companies are looking for more growth and profit. [ more ]
3 months ago

5 Trends to Look Out For in Venture Capital This Year | Entrepreneur

Quality over quantity in start-up funding choices
Public web data crucial for VC decision-making [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 months ago

'Lessons I've learned as a queer entrepreneur'

Being true to oneself is key for meaningful relationships and success in entrepreneurship.
Equity in start-ups can lead to a significant payoff if the business succeeds. [ more ]
3 months ago

5 Trends to Look Out For in Venture Capital This Year | Entrepreneur

Quality over quantity in start-up funding choices
Public web data crucial for VC decision-making [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 months ago

'Lessons I've learned as a queer entrepreneur'

Being true to oneself is key for meaningful relationships and success in entrepreneurship.
Equity in start-ups can lead to a significant payoff if the business succeeds. [ more ]
3 months ago

We are a family' or we give you free fruit and coffee': What new job announcements say about a company

Companies offer non-financial incentives like coffee corners and fresh fruit to attract talent.
Start-ups focus on creating a pleasant work environment to prioritize employee well-being and compete beyond salaries. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Disney's 10th Accelerator Program invests in four AI startups

The 10th year of Disney Accelerator Program emphasizes AI with four out of five companies in this space.
Selected companies focus on AI solutions like interactive audio, AI-powered vehicles, virtual world creation, and immersive entertainment. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 months ago

Elite Business Live to take place in March 2024

Elite Business Live is a premier business conference dedicated to fast-track start-ups, SMEs, and high growth businesses.
The conference will feature over 50 industry pioneers and experts as speakers, covering topics such as sales strategy enhancement, AI integration, remote work, and more. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Disney's 10th Accelerator Program invests in four AI startups

The 10th year of Disney Accelerator Program emphasizes AI with four out of five companies in this space.
Selected companies focus on AI solutions like interactive audio, AI-powered vehicles, virtual world creation, and immersive entertainment. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 months ago

Elite Business Live to take place in March 2024

Elite Business Live is a premier business conference dedicated to fast-track start-ups, SMEs, and high growth businesses.
The conference will feature over 50 industry pioneers and experts as speakers, covering topics such as sales strategy enhancement, AI integration, remote work, and more. [ more ]
Open Data Science - Your News Source for AI, Machine Learning & more
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Venture Capitalists: AI Now Significant Part of Funding Pitches

AI is a central aspect of funding pitches for start-ups, with over 80% incorporating it.
Companies utilizing AI are seen as moving faster and seizing big problem spaces. [ more ]
4 months ago

"Be like Madonna": Venture capital enters its "dinosaur" era

Legacy companies are at risk of being disrupted, just like start-ups.
Not everyone's skills will prove transferable in the changing landscape of venture capital. [ more ]
Open Data Science - Your News Source for AI, Machine Learning & more
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Venture Capitalists: AI Now Significant Part of Funding Pitches

AI is a central aspect of funding pitches for start-ups, with over 80% incorporating it.
Companies utilizing AI are seen as moving faster and seizing big problem spaces. [ more ]
4 months ago

"Be like Madonna": Venture capital enters its "dinosaur" era

Legacy companies are at risk of being disrupted, just like start-ups.
Not everyone's skills will prove transferable in the changing landscape of venture capital. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 months ago

900,000 new companies were incorporated in the UK in 2023, making it a record year for new businesses

London experienced a 20% increase in new businesses registered last year, making it the second fastest growing region in the UK.
The growth in female-founded businesses in the UK is increasing, with a record 164,000 companies incorporated by women in 2023. [ more ]
Above the Law
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

CES Start-Ups Shun Gen AI Hype For Real-World Solutions

Start-ups at CES did not mention Gen AI in their pitches.
The focus of the pitches was on old-school problem-solving. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Nvidia emerges as leading investor in AI companies

Nvidia has invested in over two dozen AI companies in the last year to solidify its position as a leader in AI processors.
The company prioritizes investing in companies that use and depend on its technology. [ more ]
6 months ago

The Envy Office: Can Instagrammable Design Lure Young Workers Back?

Companies are designing office spaces to resemble comfortable and glamorous living rooms.
The trend of creating envy-inducing office spaces is popular among start-ups, tech companies, and other wealthy employers.
These office spaces are characterized by colorful walls, upholstered furniture, and aesthetically pleasing decor. [ more ]
1 week ago
Remote teams

CEO Says She Changed Her Mind About Remote Work, Even Though It Built Her Company-'Business Is In The Elevator, At The Bar, On The Bus'

Remote work is facing a declining trend as companies are transitioning back to office work, even those who were initially built on remote work. [ more ]
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