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New York Post
2 months ago
New York Mets

Mets, Brewers clear benches after Rhys Hoskins' hard slide into second

A hard slide by Rhys Hoskins led to a tense confrontation with Jeff McNeil.
The situation was diffused without physical altercations, but tempers flared momentarily. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco Giants

SF Giants vets sure sound like they are happy Gabe Kapler is gone

Veterans respond positively to new rules implemented by Melvin, including standing on the field for the anthem.
Anthem rule aims to communicate readiness to opponents, not take a political stance. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Live: Tractors clog Brussels traffic as hundreds of angry farmers take protest to EU summit

European farmers protest excessive costs, rules, and bureaucracy by blocking major thoroughfares in Brussels
Similar actions have occurred across the bloc, including in France where protesters forced their way into Europe's biggest food market [ more ]
The Mercury News
4 months ago
East Bay (California)

Vote now: Bay Area News Group boys athlete of the week

No artificial voting methods allowed
Votes by email and after 5 p.m. Wednesday not counted [ more ]
4 months ago
US news

Driven to distraction: New rules limit those humorous state highway signs

The Federal Highway Administration has issued new rules regarding the messages displayed on electronic freeway signs.
States have two years to phase out signs with 'obscure' meanings or pop-culture references that could confuse drivers. [ more ]
Bitter and Blue
6 months ago
English Premier League

Digging into Manchester City's FFP Charges by the Premier League

Manchester City has been accused of breaching 115 Financial Fair Play rules in the Premier League.
The accusations include providing accurate financial information, disclosing manager and player remuneration, complying with UEFA regulations, and cooperating with investigations. [ more ]
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