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3 days ago

Race removed as factor in kidney function test, allowing Minneapolis woman to receive transplant sooner

A major change in the medical world is helping to make kidney transplants more racially equitable. [ more ]
4 days ago

You need to make $123,269 a year not to be 'rent burdened' here

BIPOC households in metro Boston spend 41% of income on rent, compared to 33.5% for white households. [ more ]
1 week ago

Commission on Racial Equity Announces New Commissioners, Roadmap

CORE appointed 11 out of 14 commissioners to advance racial equity in NYC with a focus on marginalized communities. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
NYC politics

NYC must overhaul property-tax system after years of 'discriminatory' inequity: court

The New York City tax system overhaul ruling aims for equity and justice.
Discrimination in property tax assessments highlighted in the lawsuit. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
2 weeks ago

Can Recoverable Grants Be Used to Address Racial Inequity in Funding? - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

James Wahls uses recoverable grants to advance racial equity by providing interest-free capital to businesses led by people of color. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 weeks ago

VCU, GMU won't require DEI classes after Youngkin's review

Undergraduate diversity-themed coursework mandates in public Virginia universities faced opposition from Republican governor, leading to the mandates being removed before implementation. [ more ]
New York Post
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Sorry, Team Biden: Lower capital-gains taxes aren't racist - higher ones are

The Biden administration proposed raising capital gains taxes, linking lower tax rates to racial disparities, which has sparked controversy. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

What Are Reparations? - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Reparations for Black people should include resources like land and money, policies and programs, and combating anti-Blackness. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Woke NYC Child Services policies will result in dead black kids

The Administration for Children's Services (ACS) in NYC is shifting focus to racial equity, leading to concerns about child safety and intervention procedures. [ more ]
New York Amsterdam News
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

PHOTOS: National Action Network hosts 33rd Convention

The National Action Network's 33rd convention featured notable figures like Joy Reid and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

The Trump Campaign's Big Lie About Anti-White Racism Has Reached a New Low

Former President Trump's administration plans to utilize Civil Rights-era legislation against historically underserved communities.
The Trump campaign portrays diversity programs as discriminating against white Americans and favoring nonwhite communities. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Conservatives turned 'DEI' into another dog whistle. Black Twitter isn't having it.

DEI initiatives being blamed for incidents like the bridge collapse.
Black Twitter's ability to de-weaponize racist dog whistles through humor. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
2 months ago
Social justice

Racial Equity Leaders Aim to Build Solidarity Across the Americas - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Increased attention to ultra-right's political power attempts in the Americas
Efforts to build intercontinental solidarity among advocates in response to conservative waves [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
3 months ago
Social justice

Beyond Pledges: Building More Inclusive Capital Ecosystems - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Efforts to address racial inequality have resulted in financial pledges totaling $340 billion, but progress and tangible impact remain unclear.
The existing capital systems fail to address the fundamental systems that reproduce inequality, leading to a mismatch between investment and impact. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

Lori E. Lightfoot: We must empower Chicago's nonprofit sector

Black Chicagoans were hardest hit by COVID-19, dying at six times the rate of any other demographic.
Community-based organizations (CBOs) played a crucial role in responding to the pandemic by providing services, resources, and support to communities. [ more ]
Above the Law
4 months ago
Social justice

Did The Firms That Shared MLK Quotes Actually Read The Guy?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is often misused as a way for people to justify positions that King would not have supported.
Martin Luther King Jr. had non-violence and racial equity as core tenets of his philosophy, and it is jarring to see people who do not embody those values praising him. [ more ]
Above the Law
4 months ago
Social justice

Did The Firms That Shared MLK Quotes Actually Read The Guy?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is often misused as a way for people to justify positions that King would not have supported.
Martin Luther King Jr. had non-violence and racial equity as core tenets of his philosophy, and it is jarring to see people who do not embody those values praising him. [ more ]
Above the Law
4 months ago

Did The Firms That Shared MLK Quotes Actually Read The Guy?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is often misused as a way for people to justify positions that King would not have supported.
Martin Luther King Jr. had non-violence and racial equity as core tenets of his philosophy, and it is jarring to see people who do not embody those values praising him. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Blow: Biden's conventional appeal to black voters needs an overhaul

Biden's success is crucial to prevent a second Trump presidency in 2024.
Biden needs to improve his appeals to Black voters and offer a clearer vision for his second term. [ more ]
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

WSJ News Exclusive | Fewer Black Professionals Are Getting Promoted Into Management, Reversing Trend

U.S. companies have lost momentum in promoting Black professionals into management.
After the murder of George Floyd, companies set goals for advancing Black talent.
Some progress has been made in hiring and promoting Black professionals. [ more ]
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
11 months ago
Mental health

Mental Health Equity and the Power of Self-Care

1. Mental health equity is essential to promoting well-being for all individuals.
2. Self-care practices can help individuals build resilience and manage mental health challenges.
3. Access to mental health resources and services should be universally available and equitable. [ more ]
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
1 year ago
Mental health

Mental Health Equity and the Power of Self-Care

1. Mental health equity is of paramount importance, and understanding the societal, economic, and cultural factors that contribute to disparities in mental health is essential to achieving it.
2. Self-care is an important part of promoting mental health and well-being, and individuals should be empowered to
1 year ago
US news

High School Did Not Discriminate Against Asian American Students, Court Rules

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled on Tuesday in favor of a new admissions process at one of the most prestigious public high schools in the country, and found that it had not discriminated against Asian American students in its admissions policies.Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, in Alexandria, Va., had replaced the admissions exam with an essay and began admitting students from a cross-section of schools, with weight given to poorer students and those learning English.
1 year ago
US politics

Neera Tanden will replace Susan Rice as domestic policy adviser, Biden announces

President Joe Biden announced Friday that Neera Tanden will succeed Susan Rice as the White House domestic policy adviser.The White House announced last week that Susan Rice would be leaving her post this month, marking one of the Biden administration's highest-profile departures as the president's domestic agenda stalls in a divided Congress.
1 year ago
Higher education

New curricular modules will highlight role of race in health sciences

As part of a new $560,000 grant from the Mellon Foundation, humanities scholars at Wheaton College in Massachusetts are developing 10 curricular modules on the role of race, cultural backgrounds and global perspectives in health and medicine-and professors beyond Wheaton will be able to incorporate them into existing courses.
1 year ago

50 Questions With Loyle Carner

Benjamin Gerard Coyle-Larner - better known as Loyle Carner - is the prolific figurehead of South Croydon.At the age of 28, Carner is now acknowledged as one of the heavy hitters in the UK music scene, using his craft as a juggernaut to amplify the issues that matter to him.Kicking through the doors of the music industry with a comfort and ease similar to his languorous rapping style, Loyle's career settled on greener pastures when he was nominated for a Mercury Prize for his fervently informed, lyrical debut album Yesterday's Gone in 2017.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

Longtime leader in Los Angeles Community College District faces ouster from Board of Trustees

A longtime leader in the Los Angeles Community College District is poised to lose his seat on the district's Board of Trustees.Ernest Moreno, a Republican and frequent critic of the district and how it spends its money, trails challenger Sara Hernandez by an overwhelming 22 points in initial returns.
1 year ago

Boston Public Market launches program to support entrepreneurs

The program held its first seminar this past September.
The Boston Public Market has launched a new program for entrepreneurs who provide goods and services to the Boston area.
1 year ago

Oakland's striking teachers and school district reach agreement on four common good' demands

After seven days of strikes, the Oakland Unified School District announced it had reached an agreement with the teachers' union on four common good demands which, until this point, had placed the two sides in a gridlock since the strikes began.For over a week, the district had argued that these demands which seek to address racial equity, homelessness, and environmental justice for students fell outside the scope of a union bargaining agreement.
1 year ago

Oakland Unified school district warns graduations in jeopardy if teachers strike continues

As the Oakland Unified teachers strike marches toward its eighth day next week, the school district is warning a continued walkout threatens high school seniors' academic future as graduation season approaches while representatives with the teacher's union say significant progress is being made toward a deal to restart classes, perhaps by Monday.
Nieman Lab
1 year ago
Media industry

The rot at the core of the news business

Sometimes, things get worse before they get better.New York Knicks point guard Micheal Ray Richardson ( that's how he spells his name) understood this.In 1981, he offered one of the most trenchant observations in the history of professional sports.When asked about the Knicks' latest losing streak, Richardson said, " The ship be sinking."
1 year ago
San Francisco

Activists Blast Developer Dirty Bomb' And Lack of Racial Equity In SF's Housing Element Plan

The phrase developer dirty bomb entered the chat surrounding the San Francisco Housing Element debate at Thursday's Planning Commission meeting, as affordable housing activists argue the soon-to-be-final draft of the plan gives short shrift to racial equity.As of press time for this post, the San Francisco Planning Commission is still in session discussing the final draft of the San Francisco Housing Element, a state mandate requiring that each county submit a plan to build enough housing to keep up with their population growth.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Chicago US Rep. Jesus Chuy Garcia's staff among U.S. House aides filing to unionize

U.S. Rep. Jesús "Chuy" García's staffers have joined a burgeoning effort on Capitol Hill in which congressional aides are unionizing to bargain for better working conditions.
1 year ago

State DOJ Probing Oakland School District Over Closing Seven Schools, Citing Civil Rights Violations

The California Department of Justice has launched a fact-finding mission into the Oakland Unified School District over its plan to close seven schools and merge two others, as the closures may violate students' rights to equal access to education.Early this year when the Oakland Unified School District announced it was closing a bunch of schools over budget woes and declining enrollment (a plan whose current incarnation is to close seven schools and merge two others), the response from teachers and parents was very Bay Area: hunger strikes, student walkouts, and activists occupying a shuttered school.
San Francisco Bay Times
1 year ago

When the People Decide - San Francisco Bay Times

By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large-
On Election Day 2022, reproductive rights were on the minds of voters as they went to the polls.In the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Services U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, the future of reproductive rights, health, and choice-and all the privacy issues they impact, including LGBT rights-have been a source of uncertainty and extreme concern.
Schneps Podcasts
1 year ago

Flip your Ballot on NYC Election Day and Vote for "A Just and Equitable City for All" with Lurie Daniel Favors, Esq. Commissioner for NYC Racial Justice, Executive Director at the Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College - Schneps Podcasts

The Racial and Justice Commission for NYC is supported by Mayor Eric Adams to educate New Yorkers about the three ballot proposals they will see in the general election.
Austin Monitor
1 year ago

Law Department predicts challenges ahead for equity-based preservation programs - Austin Monitor

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 by Kali Bramble
Chicago Tribune
2 years ago

Helene D. Gayle: Community development builds framework to close racial wealth gap

Chicago's cycle of neighborhood disinvestment may be at a turning point.
1 year ago

Nelson Mandela and Black Lives | Fatherhood.gov

This online article focuses on Nelson Mandela's struggle against white supremacy and his work to dismantle the apartheid system in South Africa.
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