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1 month ago
Information security

OpenSSF Siren: Security for One, Security for All - DevOps.com

OpenSSF introduced Siren, a threat intelligence sharing list to address the shortcomings of NIST CVEs in the face of increasing security vulnerabilities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

OpenSSF launch Siren for Open Source Threat Intelligence

OpenSSF launched Siren to share threat intelligence for open source projects like corporate TIPs, filling a critical gap in underserved communities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

OpenSSF Siren: Security for One, Security for All - DevOps.com

OpenSSF introduced Siren, a threat intelligence sharing list to address the shortcomings of NIST CVEs in the face of increasing security vulnerabilities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

OpenSSF launch Siren for Open Source Threat Intelligence

OpenSSF launched Siren to share threat intelligence for open source projects like corporate TIPs, filling a critical gap in underserved communities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

OpenSSF sings Siren song to steer devs away from buggy FOSS

OpenSSF Siren aims to enhance open source software security through threat intelligence sharing, bridging the gap between the open-source and enterprise communities. [ more ]
5 months ago
Software development

OpenSSF Adds Attestations to SBOMs to Validate How Software is Built

OpenSSF has developed SBOMit, a tool that enhances Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) with in-toto attestations to increase transparency and security in the software development process.
SBOMit provides a standardized method for attesting components with added verification information, regardless of the SBOM format used. [ more ]
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