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6 days ago

I craved quiet. Then my sons moved out, dog died and hens were killed and noise now feels necessary | Emma Beddington

Embracing silence after a lifetime of seeking peace and quietness for mental well-being. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Noise from traffic stunts growth of baby birds, study finds

Traffic noise pollution during early bird development significantly impacts health, growth, and reproduction, as shown in the study. [ more ]
1 month ago
NYC politics

Op-Ed | Reforming NYC's helicopter industry | amNewYork

The New York City helicopter industry is causing harm through excessive noise, pollution, and minimal revenue generation. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Most N.Y.C. Drivers Who Honk Are Breaking the Law. Can They Be Stopped?

Enforcing laws against unnecessary honking in New York City has been a longstanding challenge despite regulations dating back to the 1930s. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
New York City

Shrill, ear-splitting on-and-off noise torments Brooklyn neighborhood at all hours: 'Annoying as hell'

Residents in Bedford-Suyvesant have been disturbed by a loud, high-pitched noise for over a month. [ more ]
1 month ago
East Bay (California)

Buffer zones outside a Bay Area Planned Parenthood haven't quelled disruptive protest. Will a noise ban help?

Patients at Planned Parenthood in Walnut Creek will have a quieter experience with the ban on voice amplification devices near the facility.
Noise in medical settings can lead to stress responses, affecting patients' well-being and hindering healing processes. [ more ]
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
2 months ago
Web design

What Is Acoustic Insulation? - Yanko Design

Good acoustics positively impact mental and physical well-being.
Sound insulation is crucial for reducing noise pollution and improving privacy in buildings. [ more ]
4 months ago

Ping-Pong Ball Insulators Can Block Noise

Constant city noise can lead to long-term health problems, but a new study shows that strategically pin-pricked ping-pong balls can act as a sound insulator.
By drilling holes in the ping-pong balls, researchers created resonant cavities that filter out specific frequency bands of noise, dampening the overall sound. [ more ]
Time Out London
3 months ago

Ottolenghi is opening a new deli in southwest London - but locals aren't happy

Locals in Richmond are unhappy about a proposed new branch of Ottolenghi taking over an old furniture show room.
Residents express concerns about increased noise and busyness in the area as well as a potential negative impact on quality of life. [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

Anxiety, Mood Swings and Sleepless Nights: Life Near a Bitcoin Mine

Residents in Arkansas are complaining about the noise generated by Bitcoin mining operations, saying it ruins lives, lowers property values, and drives away wildlife.
The Bitcoin mining industry is often criticized for its vast energy use and noise pollution, but a new state law in Arkansas has given the companies an advantage. [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

A Texas Town's Misery Underscores the Impact of Bitcoin Mines Across the U.S.

Bitcoin mining operations are causing noise pollution and disturbing residents in towns across the U.S.
Critics argue that bitcoin mining consumes excessive amounts of energy and causes environmental damage. [ more ]
4 months ago

The Vapor Echo Acoustic LED Pendant Dampens Ambient Noise

The reintroduction of work-from-home employees back at the office has brought attention to the disruptive nature of ambient noises in the workplace.
The Vapor Echo Acoustic LED Pendant by Luxxboxx aims to dampen ambient noises while providing overhead lighting in workspaces. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago
Los Angeles

Opinion: Love the Hollywood Burbank airport? Try living under its flight paths

Residents living near Hollywood Burbank Airport in Studio City, California, are experiencing constant noise pollution and air pollution from low-flying planes.
The increased flight patterns and noise pollution have caused health and safety degradations for residents living in the area. [ more ]
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