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Ars Technica
1 month ago

A single polymer works as a complete heat pump

Heat pumps are energy-efficient but can be improved. Electrocaloric devices offer potential by storing charges for cycling heat more efficiently. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
2 months ago

What Are Boston Condo Heat Pumps? How Do They Work? Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

Heat pumps can cut heating and cooling costs by up to 30%
Heat pumps provide heat, cooling, and dehumidification in one system [ more ]
The Sacramento Bee
6 months ago

California may require homeowners to replace broken A/C units with heat pumps starting in 2026

California may require homeowners to replace broken air conditioning units with heat pumps or more efficient HVAC systems starting in 2026.
The goal is to quadruple the number of homes with heat pumps to 6 million by 2030, in line with the state's carbon neutrality goals. [ more ]
Ars Technica
1 month ago

A single polymer works as a complete heat pump

Heat pumps are energy-efficient but can be improved. Electrocaloric devices offer potential by storing charges for cycling heat more efficiently. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
2 months ago

What Are Boston Condo Heat Pumps? How Do They Work? Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

Heat pumps can cut heating and cooling costs by up to 30%
Heat pumps provide heat, cooling, and dehumidification in one system [ more ]
The Sacramento Bee
6 months ago

California may require homeowners to replace broken A/C units with heat pumps starting in 2026

California may require homeowners to replace broken air conditioning units with heat pumps or more efficient HVAC systems starting in 2026.
The goal is to quadruple the number of homes with heat pumps to 6 million by 2030, in line with the state's carbon neutrality goals. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago
Los Angeles

Opinion: Heat pumps cut costs and pollution. So why isn't it easier to install one in California?

80% of U.S. electricity customers are served by a utility with a 100% carbon-reduction target.
Heat pumps can substantially reduce consumer heating costs and cut greenhouse gas emissions. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

Concerned about climate change, more Chicagoans are buying all-electric home heating systems

Heat pumps are becoming more popular in subzero cities, thanks to advancements in cold-weather technology and concerns about climate change.
Heat pump sales in the Chicago area have increased by double digits year over year for the past 10 years. [ more ]
6 months ago
Germany politics

German heat pump rollout at risk as government ends climate subsidies

Germany has halted subsidies for key climate goals, potentially hindering the rollout of heat pumps and other energy efficient programs.
The government's budget shortfall and court ruling on pandemic-era borrowing have led to the pause in funding programs. [ more ]
Homebuilding & Renovating
3 weeks ago

Why are more people with oil boilers considering switching to heat pumps?

Homeowners with oil boilers are considering switching to heat pumps due to lower maintenance, cost savings, and reduced carbon emissions. [ more ]
Homebuilding & Renovating
2 weeks ago

Survey reveals the UK regions with the most heat pumps in new builds

Heat pumps installations in new builds in the UK are growing in popularity, with East Anglia leading in air source heat pump installations and Wales in ground source heat pumps. [ more ]
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