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Fast Company
1 month ago

Majority of Maui wildfire survey participants have respiratory issues

Up to 74% of participants from a University of Hawaii study on Maui's wildfires may have respiratory issues; research aims for long-term impact assessment. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
5 months ago

American Airlines' hard landing on Maui sends 6 to hospital

Five flight attendants and one passenger were sent to the hospital after an American Airlines flight made a hard landing in Maui.
The six individuals were later released from the hospital.
The flight was carrying 167 passengers and seven crew members. [ more ]
6 months ago

Tour of Heroes: MAUI, with ASP.NET Core 8 Backend

The 'Tour of Heroes' app is a tutorial app for Angular 2+ that demonstrates functional and technical features of building a real-world business application.
This series of articles explores the experiences of building the 'Tour of Heroes' app on different frontend development platforms, including Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin, and MAUI. [ more ]
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