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1 month ago
London politics

If Keir Starmer isn't careful, Gaza could do for him what the Iraq war did for Blair | Martin Kettle

Keir Starmer faces challenges from Gaza conflict impacting Labour party despite recent electoral successes. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
3 months ago

Milestones: March 19, 2024

The U.S. launched the Iraq War based on the belief that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
Colonel Thomas McKean served in the Continental Congress while also being Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
US news

The meaning of one vote

Brent Cummings, a former combat soldier in the Iraq War, reflects on his journey from the war to Election Day 2020.
Cummings believes in following rules, working hard, and treating people with respect as a path to a life of opportunity and meaning. [ more ]
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