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Washington Post
1 month ago
OMG science

Ancient skull shows Egyptians tried to remove cancer 4,500 years ago

Researchers found evidence that ancient humans attempted to treat cancer around 4,500 years ago, shifting historical timelines by 1,000 years. [ more ]
1 week ago

Centuries-old cherries were found at George Washington's home. What can they tell us?

Archaeologists discovered 18th-century bottles of cherries and berries at George Washington's Mount Vernon, representing an unprecedented find with intact fruit-filled vessels. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
OMG science

Ancient skull shows Egyptians tried to remove cancer 4,500 years ago

Researchers found evidence that ancient humans attempted to treat cancer around 4,500 years ago, shifting historical timelines by 1,000 years. [ more ]
1 week ago

Centuries-old cherries were found at George Washington's home. What can they tell us?

Archaeologists discovered 18th-century bottles of cherries and berries at George Washington's Mount Vernon, representing an unprecedented find with intact fruit-filled vessels. [ more ]
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