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Above the Law
2 weeks ago
Web design

Revitalizing Law Firm Web Traffic

Maintaining organic web traffic is crucial for law firms' online success. [ more ]
1 month ago

Why the shift from 'conversions' to 'key events' in GA4 is a game-changer | MarTech

The shift from 'conversions' to 'key events' in GA4 is crucial for digital marketers to grasp and leverage in their reporting. [ more ]
The Drum
1 month ago

From 'conversion' to 'key events': What in the world is going on with GA4?

Google is streamlining conversion tracking between GA4 and Google Ads for better reporting.
The terminology change in GA4 from 'conversion' to 'key events' affects how marketers optimize campaigns. [ more ]
3 months ago

Navigating the future of marketing with data | MarTech

Data is a constant in digital marketing, despite industry transformations.
Building strong data foundations and gathering first-party data are essential for effective digital marketing. [ more ]
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Navigate the world of AI before your competitors do | MarTech

Do you want to learn how to harness the power of AI and use it to reach your target audience, boost your engagement, and maximize your overall digital marketing ROI?
Sign up now for a free online event hosted by Google and Ignite Visibility - AI-Powered Ads in 2023 with a Human Touch - on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 2 p.m. EST/11 a.m.
The National Law Review
1 year ago

A Beginner's Guide to Digital Marketing for Law Firms

Hashtags.Instagram stories.Inbound, outbound.You may know that your law firm could benefit from a digital marketing strategy, but you might not be sure about the best way to reach  your potential clients.Don't let all the platforms and mediums overwhelm you.You don't have to go viral to be seen online.
1 month ago

Council Post: All About Effective Conversion Tracking Through Click Analysis

Conversion tracking is crucial for law firms to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns in generating desired actions like booking appointments. [ more ]
Practical Ecommerce
1 month ago
Web design

Pinpoint Traffic Drops with Search Console, GA4

Fluctuations in organic search traffic can be challenging to understand due to various factors like algorithm updates and competition. Utilize tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to identify pages with traffic losses and determine the cause. [ more ]
1 month ago
Business intelligence

Reminder - Google is turning off all Universal Analytics services and APIs | MarTech

Google is discontinuing all Universal Analytics services and APIs on July 1, replacing them with Google Analytics 4 properties.
Failing to migrate to GA4 and export data before the deadline could negatively impact campaign performance and access to historical data. [ more ]
2 months ago
Marketing tech

Criteo Picks Up MRC Creds For Retail Media; Google Makes Campaign Reports (Slightly) Less Confusing | AdExchanger

Criteo gains MRC accreditation for display impressions and click metrics in retail media placements.
Google Analytics and Google Ads align on the definition of conversions. [ more ]
Social Media Today
2 months ago
Business intelligence

Google Updates Google Analytics Data Tracking to Ensure Consistency with Google Ads

Google is implementing 'Key Events' to replace conversions for behavioral analytics in Google Analytics.
The update aims to provide a more consistent measurement of important behaviors across websites and apps, improving the unified experience for marketers. [ more ]
Social Media Today
2 months ago
Business intelligence

Google Updates Analytics Data Tracking To Ensure Consistency With Ads

Key events replacing conversions for behavioral analytics in Google Analytics.
Uniform data tracking to address differences in conversion reporting across Google Ads and Analytics. [ more ]
Forbes Advisor
3 months ago
Web design

2024 SEO Checklist

Set up Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools
Optimize for Mobile and Enable Fast Load Times [ more ]
Product Hunt
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Open SaaS

1. An open-source React + NodeJS template with many features available.
2. Provides an admin dashboard, integration with Stripe, OpenAI, Plausible/Google Analytics, and more. [ more ]
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Google rolls out new features for GA4

Google announced a bunch of updates for Google Analytics 4 (GA4) today.They include a big improvement for the Setup Assistant, real-time behavioral modeling reports, more customization features and a new homepage design.Setup Assistant: Currently the user has to create a new property in GA4 for each Universal Analytics (UA) property and then configure the data collection and privacy settings.
4 months ago

Netflix Enters The Live 'Sports' Arena; Google Shills Fake Weight Loss Gummies | AdExchanger

Livestreams are becoming essential for sports leagues to reach more fans and ad dollars.
Some scamsters use Google Analytics and Adsense to promote fake products and make money online. [ more ]
AMBCrypto Blog
5 months ago
Business intelligence

5 Tips to Enhance Google Analytics Using ChatGPT Plus

ChatGPT Plus can enhance Google Analytics by providing semantic analysis of user journeys and contextual interpretation of traffic sources.
Integrating ChatGPT Plus with Google Analytics can offer deeper insights and optimize website layouts for increased conversion rates. [ more ]
9 months ago
Online marketing

What is Customer Journey Analytics

A customer doesn't just mindlessly purchase a product or service.They go through an entire journey, from discovering your brand, to purchasing your product or service, to sometimes recommending it to someone else.To make sense of your customer's journey, you'll need to leverage customer journey analytics.
11 months ago
EU data protection

Austrian DSB: Meta Tracking Tools Illegal

(DSB) has declared that the use of meta-tracking tools, such as those used for website analytics, is illegal.
1. The Austrian Data Protection Authority (DSB) has ruled that the use of meta-tracking tools, such as those used for website analytics, is illegal.
2. Noyb's 101 complaints were a major factor in prompting the DSB to make this ruling.
3. Data protection authorities in other countries may soon follow Austria's [ more ]
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

With July 1st in view, Google updates CCPA contract terms

Google updated its privacy terms earlier this month, shifting away from offering many of its advertising services on a "service provider" basis.With the change, Google states that its Customer Match, Audience Partner API, and certain audience-building services no longer meet the CCPA's strict new requirements to be offered on a "service provider" basis.
1 year ago

10 Advanced Affiliate Strategies to Increase Sales

Affiliate marketing is an effective way for businesses to increase sales and reach new customers.In fact, with the right strategies in place, affiliates can generate significant income from their efforts.However, many marketers struggle to maximize their earnings due to a lack of the proper techniques.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

Unraveling the Mystery of Google Ads - Social Media Explorer

Google Ads is a powerful online advertising platform that allows businesses and marketers to reach their target audience and promote their products and services through various channels.With Google Ads, you can create and run online ads to appear on Google search results pages, Google Maps, YouTube, and other websites and apps across the web.
1 year ago

Building a Modern Document Website for React Native Library Like React Native ECharts

In addition to the website launch information, I will also describe how to build a modern documentation website.If you're interested in building a documentation website for your open-source project, this guide can be a great reference.To initiate the creation of a modern documentation website, I recommend using Docusaurus as the first step.
MLB Trade Rumors
11 months ago
Major League Baseball

MLBTR Data Entry And Analysis Position Filled

June 8: This position has been filled.Thanks to all who applied.May 23: MLB Trade Rumors is seeking help for a part-time position involving data entry and analysis.This position will pay hourly and will require approximately five hours per week.Responsibilities will include:

Collecting and auditing data from multiple sources and entering it into our tracking system
Creating and analyzing reports utilizing data from Google Analytics and social media
Contacting employees to verify scheduling discrepancies
Identifying opportunities to increase traffic on MLB Trade Rumors, Hoops Rumors, Pro Football Rumors, and Pro Hockey Rumors

Generally, the work will be spread out so that it's about one hour per weekday, with some flexibility on the time of day.
MLB Trade Rumors
1 year ago
Major League Baseball

MLBTR Seeking Part-Time Help With Data Entry And Analysis

MLB Trade Rumors is seeking help for a part-time position involving data entry and analysis.This position will pay hourly and will require approximately five hours per week.Responsibilities will include:

Collecting and auditing data from multiple sources and entering it into our tracking system
Creating and analyzing reports utilizing data from Google Analytics and social media
Contacting employees to verify scheduling discrepancies
Identifying opportunities to increase traffic on MLB Trade Rumors, Hoops Rumors, Pro Football Rumors, and Pro Hockey Rumors

Generally, the work will be spread out so that it's about one hour per weekday, with some flexibility on the time of day.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

The Top 10 Tools for Online Management

Managing an online presence can be overwhelming, but there are many tools available to help streamline the process.These tools can assist with tasks such as social media management, website design and maintenance, content creation, and online marketing.In this article, we will discuss the top 10 tools for online management.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

How to Create a Successful Content Marketing Strategy for Your Business

In today's digital age, content marketing has become an essential tool for businesses looking to connect with their audience and drive growth.Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and sharing valuable content to attract and retain a defined audience, ultimately leading to profitable customer action.
1 year ago

Helping blind and visually-impaired Texans gain independence

AUSTIN, Texas Financial independence and success are two things we all strive for.But career opportunities shouldn't be limited for those who are blind or visually impaired.Austin Lighthouse, a nonprofit in Austin, hopes to break that cycle."It is handy.It's like having another set of eyes that actually works," Chris Perkins said.
1 year ago

Google Analytics 4: What You Need to Know

Google's standard Universal Analytics (i.e., all previous generations of GA) will stop processing data as of July 1, 2023.Any new properties created since October 2020 default to the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4.)If you have older properties, you should switch to GA4 as soon as possible to prepare for the transition.
1 year ago
Online marketing

How to Perfect Personalized Marketing with the Help of Your Data Warehouse

Today, the bar for personalized customer engagement is higher than ever.As a marketer, you know that customer data is key to delivering personalized experiences that drive growth.A whopping 82% of marketers say having high-quality data on their target audience is important to succeeding in their role - but more than half of them say they're missing key information.
1 year ago
UX design

How can the efficiency of design system be measured?

How can the efficiency of design system be measured?Using a design system AND tracking its efficiency may be tricky but it also is very important.The developers play the key role in the design system's success since they are creating the components and templates for the project and they are doing it for a perspective - the system saves a lot of time and money when implemented.
Google sued over 'interception' of abortion data • The Register
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

Google sued over 'interception' of abortion data

An anonymous complainant has filed a lawsuit against Google, claiming it unlawfully collects health data, including abortion searches, on third-party websites that use Google technology.Jane Doe, whose legal representation is looking to get the case certified as a class action, claims her private information was intercepted by Google when she used the scheduling pages on Planned Parenthood's website in 2018 to search for an abortion provider.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

4 tips to ease the transition from UA to GA4 | MarTech

Google's Universal Analytics (UA) ends on July 1.In a little less than two months, everyone using UA will be switched to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)."It can be very overwhelming," said Colleen Harris, head of business intelligence and reporting strategy at Sincro."If we wanted to put our head in the sand that's fully allowed, but we do have to figure out what's next.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Top 10 AdExchanger Stories Of 2022 | AdExchanger

The slow dismantling of cookie-based tech had its fingerprints all over our coverage in 2022 (if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor).Data privacy supplied the drumbeat, from stories about clean rooms to new privacy-forward ad tech products to the rise of retail media (a data safe haven).Everyone from platforms to marketers marched to its sound.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Big Story: Twitter Drama; Google Analytics Moves Another Deadline | AdExchanger

Two biggie tech platforms caught our eye in the past week: Twitter and Google.The state of advertising at Twitter is a hot mess.First, Elon Musk writes a glowing endorsement of advertising on Twitter.(The company netted $1.18 billion in revenue in Q2.) Next thing you know, he's fueling misinformation on Twitter and doing a live brainstorm of monetization features on the platform.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Memorable AI Raises $2.75 Million With A New Take On Creative Testing | AdExchanger

For years, walled gardens made it practically impossible to build alternative advertising analytics or launch creative testing startups.What analytics startup could out-engineer Google or charge less than Google Analytics, which is free for most users?And why rent a dynamic creative engine when testing is an option in Facebook ad manager?
1 year ago
Marketing tech

4 tips to navigate the advertising impact of iOS privacy changes

It's no secret that the iOS privacy changes are proving to be a significant blow to social media networks and marketers.
1 year ago
Online marketing

The Marketer's Complete Guide to SEO Automation

As marketers, we understand the importance of SEO in driving traffic and generating leads.But all too often, our efforts are hindered by a lack of resources or time.That's why many marketers use automation to streamline their SEO processes and focus on other growth strategies.In this guide, you'll explore what SEO tasks can be automated to save at least three hours daily.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Google sets deadline for getting data out of Universal Analytics | MarTech

Users of Universal Analytics have until July 1, 2024, to export their data, Google said yesterday.UA will stop collecting data on July 1 of this year.The company will also automatically make Google Analytics 4 properties for those on UA who haven't created them yet.Redefine success: Getting started with Google Analytics 4 Google had previously said users would have at least six months to export data.
1 year ago

Top Digital Marketing Metrics & KPIs - And How To Track Them

As marketers in the digital space, we are constantly presented with an overwhelming amount of data.From performance measurements to customer engagement activity, there are many key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics you can track to gauge the performance of your campaigns.Trying to make sense of the data coming at you from different angles can be a full-time job.
1 year ago

4 Popular Marketing KPI Examples & How To Track Them | Hive

From new businesses to old businesses, building out key performance indicators (KPIs) is a key component in your business's success (or failure).To help you out, I've compiled a collection of great marketing KPI examples that you can implement into your business and track for success.The Importance of Tracking Marketing KPIs
A KPI is a metric that helps you track and measure progress toward your business goals.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

How ChatGPT is set to change marketing technology | MarTech

We're at the tipping point for ChatGPT and other AI-powered chatbots.Right now most attention is focused on Microsoft and Google's use of them.The discussion so far has been mostly about the impact on marketing and SEO.But what about the impact on martech?Christopher Penn, co-founder and chief data scientist at TrustInsights.ai, says it is already creating big changes and opportunities.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

5 Ways The Industry Can End Third-Party Cookies | AdExchanger

Data-Driven Thinking " is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media.With the deprecation of third-party cookies postponed until 2024 , progress toward post-cookie ad systems has been .Even Google Analytics has a forced cut-over to the more future-proof, GDPR-compliant version 4. Does this mean we're in for yet another postponement?
1 year ago
Business intelligence

Migrating to Google Analytics 4? Learn the basics with this $20 training.

TL;DR: Sign up for the Google Analytics 4 Beginner's Bootcamp(opens in a new tab)  for just $19.99 (reg.$600) through Jan. 9.For content creators, business owners, anyone aiming for a job in marketing, and plenty of other pros, understanding your website's performance(opens in a new tab)  is a big part of success.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

fifty-five Research RevealsChatGPT Wrong on More Than Half of Google Analytics 4 FAQs

Since exploding onto the scene in November 2022, ChatGPT has been one of the most hotly debated new tech trends, predicted to change the world of work.However, new research from martech consultancy fifty-five reveals that the bot is a long way from revolutionising the digital marketing landscape, after it answered only three in ten (29%) FAQs about Google Analytics 4 (GA4) correctly.
1 year ago

Blubrry Podcasting Releases Thrive Bundle

In the Thrive Bundle, Blubrry Podcasting has released new features for Advanced Hosting customers to access for a small additional monthly fee.The ways in which podcasters can reach and engage their audience is always expanding.The Thrive Bundle brings these assets together in an easy-to-access location.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Staying Strategic With A Limited Marketing Budget | AdExchanger

According to Harvard Business Review's CMO survey, 59% of marketing leaders have been experiencing increased pressure from CEOs to prove the impact of marketing spend.This focus on results is changing the way we think about customer journeys.One of the major ways strategies are shifting in reaction to budget scrutiny is a move toward marketing technology.
1 year ago

Study Finds El Salvador Remains One of the Countries Most Interested in Bitcoin News Bitcoin News

A recent study that examined the interest of several countries in bitcoin and crypto ranked El Salvador as second for having the most interest in the issue.While the U.S. was still ranked first, El Salvador's high rank comes amidst criticism President Nayib Bukele has drawn from Salvadorans for his push for bitcoin adoption.
1 year ago

How to add 3rd party script in your gatsby website

Gatsby is a great choice especially when you want to build static websites such as marketing websites, portfolios, etc.
Tracking your website:
One of the main purposes of the website is to know is the behavior of visitors on websites.Either you do use google analytics tracking or marketing CRMs such as HubSpot, agile CRM, etc. or other services who want to provide you info and behavior on the website.
1 year ago

The Best AI Software for Affiliate Marketing in 2023

Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to earn passive income online, and with the advent of AI technology, it's becoming more accessible and efficient than ever before.The right AI software can help you automate many of the processes involved in affiliate marketing, including analytics, lead generation, and even content creation.
1 year ago
Growth hacking

The Best of Whiteboard Friday 2022

We had an amazing year of Whiteboard Friday episodes, ranging in topics from link building to content engines to even, basketball?In case you missed them, here are the top 10 episodes from the year!
1. Estimating Search Opportunity with Robin Lord
Estimating the opportunities within your various SEO efforts is an important component of your analytics, not only to help determine where to focus your energy, but also to prove the potential value of your work to others.
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
1 year ago
Boston real estate

Thoughts Before The Boston Condo For Sale Spring Market Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

For the past few weeks, demand for Boston condos for sale is finally climbing after many months in a slump.It is difficult to determine whether this is seasonally expected strength, or if demand is actually more robust from the past few months.But, for now, it's exciting to see that demand for Boston condo for sale is strong, regardless of the reason.
New Relic
1 year ago

Kurt Geiger on improving Core Web Vitals

Our two peak periods are the European summer and Black Friday sales.Before any peak time at Kurt Geiger, we do certain rituals to check our tech.And there's a lot to check.We run five websites, retail stores across the UK and Ireland, in addition to a B2B business with select partners.To prepare for our big days, we review our alert thresholds, run through different toggles on our platform to make sure they can be turned on and off, and look at coverage gaps to see if there's any system that has slipped the net.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Google Offers To Spin Out Its Ad Tech?!; And Meta May Be Up Next | AdExchanger

The leak apparently comes from the Justice Department, which is surprising because those guys like to keep their lips sealed.
Normally Notes
1 year ago
UX design

Counting unique visitors without using cookies, UIDs or fingerprinting.

How do you distinguish unique visits without using cookies?For most cookie-based solutions, it's easy: Store a unique identifier (UID) in a cookie on your computer, so we can identify you when you return.But if there's no cookie, there's no UID... or so you'd think.Many privacy-focused analytics services will generate and store a UID on the server instead of saving it in a cookie - based on a hash of your User Agent, IP, Location, Date etc.
1 year ago
Data science

'Upgraded spreadsheet' simplifies data analytics, connects directly to enterprise databases

Join us on November 9 to learn how to successfully innovate and achieve efficiency by upskilling and scaling citizen developers at the Low-Code/No-Code Summit.Register here.Over the last decade or so, the modern data stack has grown more comprehensive than you could have ever imagined.We have data warehouses, data lakes, BI tools, and other platforms that mobilize structured and unstructured datasets and help drive value from them.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

GA4 Will Replace Google Analytics In Just A Year - Are You Ready? | AdExchanger

Google launched Google Analytics 4 (GA4) back in October 2020 to unify digital web and app analytics.
1 year ago
San Francisco

On Watching the First Sunset Fall Atop Presidio Tunnel Tops

I'm still recovering from the worst, most searing case of burnout I've experienced in my life.
Vue.js Feed
1 year ago

WP-vue: Blog Template to connect with Wordpress REST API

Add a blog to your Vue.js project with wp-vue.wp-vue is a simple Vue.js blog template that displays posts from any WordPress REST API endpoint.This is just a simple Vue application (scaffolded using the Vue CLI) that pulls posts from a WordPress REST API endpoint.Clone or fork this repo & rip it apart to suit your own needs.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Big Story: What Deserved The Hype In 2022 | AdExchanger

In 2022, AdExchanger spilled a lot of digital ink covering two opposing forces: the causes of signal loss and the proposed solutions.Targeting signals became increasingly difficult to come by, due in part to Apple's policies and as a result of data privacy regulation, as well as anxiety about state laws coming into effect in just a few weeks.
1 year ago
Data science

Looking to ease engineers from customer data tasks, Freshpaint raises $14.5 million

Check out the on-demand sessions from the Low-Code/No-Code Summit to learn how to successfully innovate and achieve efficiency by upskilling and scaling citizen developers. .Customer data acquisition and analytics are essential aspects of every organization's data pipeline, allowing marketers to sell more effectively.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

GA4 Setup Assistant part 1: Getting started with Google Analytics 4

As we all know, Google is ending support for Universal Analytics (UA) next July and replacing it with GA4.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Customized insights: Getting started with Google Analytics 4

These detect unusual changes or trends in your data - like a sudden spike or dip in activity.Here are the conditions you can alter when creating an insight: Evaluation frequency: Choose how often data is evaluated: hourly (web only), daily, weekly or monthly.It's refreshed in real-time when new ones are triggered.GA4 monitors which insights you interact with the most and ranks new ones based on that."And [that] basically is just coming in here and saying, 'I want to know when the daily users drops 80% in a day.' Any sort of major drastic change that would indicate your data stopped tracking.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Tools and resources: Getting started with Google Analytics 4

Here's a collection of all the tools and resources we've mentioned so far in our GA4 series, plus a few extra.Key articles by Google support
Universal Tag Manager tools
Google Tag Manager help
For WordPress
Using GTM with other CMS
Data Layer Building - Tracking the right clicks
Tag analysis - what's firing on my site?
1 year ago
UX design

Designers as copycats, holistic design, Figma HTML converter

Weekly curated resources for designers - thinkers and makers."ll creative endeavors come with a learning curve.And similar to how it aids in our development as human beings, imitation has long been a critical learning tactic for designers looking to develop and mature their craft from understanding to execution."
Social Media Today
1 year ago

Google Adds New Viewer Attention Metrics for Display and Video 360 Campaigns

"A growing number of marketers are looking to optimize their bids with the goal of capturing user attention.
1 year ago
UX design

UX Design: My Honest Review of UXtweak

My absolutely dead honest review of UXtweak, what it is, and why you may want to consider it as part of your UX workflow.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Big Story: Google Wrestles With An Analytics Overhaul, While The Ad Tech Market Preps For A Downturn | AdExchanger

Google has tried - and so far mostly failed - to get its customers on board with major new migrations for its online advertising platform.
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