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1 month ago
Remote teams

The Debate: Have flexible working laws gone too far?

Flexible working laws may create a divided workforce due to the ambiguous definition of flexibility and its impact on different job sectors and inequalities. [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 months ago

Helen McEntee needs to look at mandatory sentences for people who attack gardai, Simon Coveney says in wake of Wicklow unrest

Attacking gardaí is attacking the State; protests must not turn violent.
Government should consider mandatory sentencing for those attacking frontline workers. [ more ]
5 months ago

Frontline jobs are getting harder in 2024. Leaders, you're not helping

Money is a leading reason for frontline workers leaving their jobs, while managers prioritize work-life balance
Low wage growth coupled with high inflation is the top stressor for frontline workers [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago
NYC politics

More than 2,000 NYC doctors-in-training to get 16.2% pay hike

More than 2,300 doctors-in-training in NYC hospital system receive a 16.2% pay raise, retroactive from 2021-2027. [ more ]
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