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1 month ago
Remote teams

This CEO Is Encouraging His Employees to Start Side Hustles | Entrepreneur

39% of U.S. adults have a side hustle, some facing employers' challenges. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Remote teams

Do managers have a right to fire workers for divisive social media posts?

Employers can discipline or terminate employees for offensive social media posts; First Amendment protections do not apply in the private sector. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Body Shop admits breaking employment law with sudden mass sacking

The Body Shop sacked staff with no notice or redundancy package
Employees left financially and mentally affected by abrupt dismissals [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Remote teams

Do managers have a right to fire workers for divisive social media posts?

Employers can discipline or terminate employees for offensive social media posts; First Amendment protections do not apply in the private sector. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Body Shop admits breaking employment law with sudden mass sacking

The Body Shop sacked staff with no notice or redundancy package
Employees left financially and mentally affected by abrupt dismissals [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago
Tech industry

The Sneaky Move Uber and Lyft Are Using to Lower Their Tax Bill

Gig corporations like Uber and Lyft avoid paying millions in taxes by treating drivers as independent businesses, impacting other employers. [ more ]
Yahoo News
1 month ago
Remote teams

Bosses mandated them back to the office. They took legal action instead.

Workers are taking employers to court over return-to-office mandates. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

TUC publishes legislative proposal to protect workers from AI | Computer Weekly

TUC proposes AI regulation law for workplace. [ more ]
ABA Journal
2 weeks ago

Law firm and lawyer in 'quiet quit' dispute drop their litigation

Dispute between law firm and lawyer over 'quiet quitting' resolved through private mediation. [ more ]
San Jose Inside
1 day ago
Artificial intelligence

State Tries to Prevent Illegal Discrimination by AI in Employment Screening

California regulators are restricting AI in hiring processes to avoid discrimination. [ more ]
Yahoo News
1 month ago
Remote teams

Bosses mandated them back to the office. They took legal action instead.

Workers are taking employers to court over return-to-office mandates. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

TUC publishes legislative proposal to protect workers from AI | Computer Weekly

TUC proposes AI regulation law for workplace. [ more ]
ABA Journal
2 weeks ago

Law firm and lawyer in 'quiet quit' dispute drop their litigation

Dispute between law firm and lawyer over 'quiet quitting' resolved through private mediation. [ more ]
San Jose Inside
1 day ago
Artificial intelligence

State Tries to Prevent Illegal Discrimination by AI in Employment Screening

California regulators are restricting AI in hiring processes to avoid discrimination. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago

Gay couple files class-action lawsuit against NYC for IVF coverage

New York City faces lawsuit for IVF discrimination against gay male employees. [ more ]
1 month ago

What abortion politics has to do with new rights for pregnant workers

Employers must accommodate pregnant workers under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, but abortion politics have overshadowed these new rights. [ more ]
2 months ago
European startups

The FTC's ban on noncompete clauses could be good for startups. But it also might be struck down. | TechCrunch

The Federal Trade Commission voted to ban most noncompete agreements, impacting industries like financial services and startups positively. [ more ]
2 months ago

Making female London Underground driver work Saturdays is not sex discrimination tribunal

Expecting a female London Underground driver to work on a Saturday was not considered sex discrimination.
Flexibility in shift patterns was impacted by company's service quality concerns and individual circumstances were not prioritized. [ more ]
BBC News
5 months ago
UK politics

Parental leave bill for bereaved passes first stage in Commons

Proposed law would guarantee immediate parental leave for parents whose partner dies in childbirth
Current law requires 26 weeks of work and three months' notice to qualify for parental leave [ more ]
2 months ago

Making female London Underground driver work Saturdays is not sex discrimination tribunal

Expecting a female London Underground driver to work on a Saturday was not considered sex discrimination.
Flexibility in shift patterns was impacted by company's service quality concerns and individual circumstances were not prioritized. [ more ]
BBC News
5 months ago
UK politics

Parental leave bill for bereaved passes first stage in Commons

Proposed law would guarantee immediate parental leave for parents whose partner dies in childbirth
Current law requires 26 weeks of work and three months' notice to qualify for parental leave [ more ]
Above the Law
3 months ago

Trump Club Throws Alina Habba Under The Bus

Alina Habba was specifically excluded from the release agreement, allowing Bianco to potentially sue her for fraud.
Bianco initially settled with the club but later challenged the agreement with the help of a new lawyer, resulting in a revised settlement. [ more ]
ABA Journal
4 months ago

Law prof presses male sex-bias allegations in new suit after federal judge tosses his Title IX claim

Law professor David Schott has filed a new lawsuit against the University of Denver Sturm College of Law following allegations of sex-bias made by a former associate dean.
The new lawsuit alleges breach of contract, defamation, negligence, violations of wage law, and sex-based wage discrimination.
A previous lawsuit filed by Schott alleging retaliation and sex discrimination under Title IX was dismissed by a federal judge. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 months ago

Trump Club Throws Alina Habba Under The Bus

Alina Habba was specifically excluded from the release agreement, allowing Bianco to potentially sue her for fraud.
Bianco initially settled with the club but later challenged the agreement with the help of a new lawyer, resulting in a revised settlement. [ more ]
ABA Journal
4 months ago

Law prof presses male sex-bias allegations in new suit after federal judge tosses his Title IX claim

Law professor David Schott has filed a new lawsuit against the University of Denver Sturm College of Law following allegations of sex-bias made by a former associate dean.
The new lawsuit alleges breach of contract, defamation, negligence, violations of wage law, and sex-based wage discrimination.
A previous lawsuit filed by Schott alleging retaliation and sex discrimination under Title IX was dismissed by a federal judge. [ more ]
ABA Journal
4 months ago

Coca-Cola delivery man who used slurs as result of Tourette syndrome loses disability suit after job transfer

The Coca-Cola delivery man was not entitled to keep his job under the Americans With Disabilities Act due to his inappropriate language caused by Tourette syndrome.
Plaintiffs must demonstrate they are disabled and qualified for the position without accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
Mental health

Should severe menopause symptoms be a disability? One country thinks so.

Menopause symptoms could be considered a disability if they impact daily activities.
Employers would be legally obligated to make reasonable adjustments for menopausal women. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

I just quit - but why am I being denied my bonus for last year?

Employees may need to be employed at the time bonuses are paid in order to be eligible.
Non-compete agreements are difficult to enforce and many companies do not try to enforce them. [ more ]
5 months ago

NYC Fast-Food Worker Protections Upheld by Second Circuit (1)

A federal appellate court in Manhattan upheld a New York City law protecting fast-food workers from arbitrary firings and reduced hours.
The ruling is a blow to industry groups challenging the law, potentially bolstering efforts to create more exceptions to at-will employment doctrine. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
5 months ago

Can I be fired for smoking weed in my off-hours? What new California cannabis law says

Some cannabis users in California will be protected from workplace discrimination starting in the new year.
Employers are prohibited from firing or penalizing workers based on off-duty cannabis use. [ more ]
5 months ago
NYC politics

5 New York laws set to take effect in 2024

Congestion pricing will be implemented in lower Manhattan starting May 2022, with the possibility of higher tolls on Gridlock Alert Days.
New York employers will no longer have access to employees' private social media accounts starting March 2024. [ more ]
#employment law
Washington Post
6 months ago

Supreme Court case could spark rush of reverse-discrimination claims

The Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could have significant implications for workplace discrimination claims.
Civil rights groups argue that valid workplace discrimination claims are often dismissed due to a requirement to prove harm by employers. [ more ]
8 months ago

Valentine's Day "Gift" For Employers With California Employees That Work Under Noncompete Agreements

California has created a cause of action for employees to challenge non-compete agreements
New law requires employers to give notice to employees that non-competes are void [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago

Supreme Court case could spark rush of reverse-discrimination claims

The Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could have significant implications for workplace discrimination claims.
Civil rights groups argue that valid workplace discrimination claims are often dismissed due to a requirement to prove harm by employers. [ more ]
8 months ago

Valentine's Day "Gift" For Employers With California Employees That Work Under Noncompete Agreements

California has created a cause of action for employees to challenge non-compete agreements
New law requires employers to give notice to employees that non-competes are void [ more ]
moreemployment law
3 weeks ago
Black Lives Matter

College graduates are concerned pro-Palestinian activism could deter future employers

Pro-Palestinian activism can lead to job discrimination, impacting students' future employment opportunities. [ more ]
1 week ago
Remote teams

Massachusetts high court rules voters can decide question to raise wages for tipped workers

Massachusetts court upheld proposed ballot question to raise minimum wage for tipped workers and allow tip pooling between all employees. [ more ]
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