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1 month ago

Google Steps Up The Battle Against Gmail Spam

Google tightened spam enforcement with email authentication, one-click unsubscribe, and spam rate threshold. [ more ]
2 months ago

Happy 20th to Gmail, now sort out the spam problem

Gmail has reached its 20th anniversary with significant user base and success.
Google is implementing new rules to reduce spam by cracking down on bulk senders. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

New Mass Gmail Rejections To Start April 2024, Google Says

Google will start rejecting non-compliant mass emails sent to Gmail users starting in April.
Bulk senders have until June 1 to implement one-click unsubscribe in all commercial, promotional emails. [ more ]
2 months ago

Happy 20th to Gmail, now sort out the spam problem

Gmail has reached its 20th anniversary with significant user base and success.
Google is implementing new rules to reduce spam by cracking down on bulk senders. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

New Mass Gmail Rejections To Start April 2024, Google Says

Google will start rejecting non-compliant mass emails sent to Gmail users starting in April.
Bulk senders have until June 1 to implement one-click unsubscribe in all commercial, promotional emails. [ more ]
3 months ago

[New Features] It's way easier to set up DKIM and DMARC | AWeber

Set up DKIM/DMARC records easily
Validate email authentication with confidence [ more ]
Email On Acid
4 months ago
Web design

Email Rendering & Deliverability: How to See the Future

To optimize email deliverability, you need the right infrastructure, email authentication protocols, a clean email list, and a good sender reputation.
Achieving inbox placement is the ultimate goal of email deliverability, not just getting emails delivered to the spam folder. [ more ]
Word to the Wise
6 days ago

Why Deliverability Depends

The complexity of email deliverability questions often leads to the frustrating answer 'It Depends,' emphasizing the need for detailed information and tailored solutions. [ more ]
Email On Acid
4 months ago
Web design

Email Rendering & Deliverability: How to See the Future

To optimize email deliverability, you need the right infrastructure, email authentication protocols, a clean email list, and a good sender reputation.
Achieving inbox placement is the ultimate goal of email deliverability, not just getting emails delivered to the spam folder. [ more ]
Word to the Wise
6 days ago

Why Deliverability Depends

The complexity of email deliverability questions often leads to the frustrating answer 'It Depends,' emphasizing the need for detailed information and tailored solutions. [ more ]
6 months ago

New rules for bulk email senders from Google, Yahoo: What you need to know | MarTech

Google and Yahoo will enforce new requirements for bulk email senders, focusing on authentication, reported spam rates, and easy unsubscribe options.
Bulk senders must use SPF, DKIM, and DMARC mechanisms for email authentication.
Bulk senders must keep their reported spam rate below 0.10% in Google Postmaster Tools. [ more ]
6 months ago
Marketing tech

New rules for bulk email senders from Google, Yahoo: What you need to know | MarTech

Google and Yahoo will enforce new requirements for bulk email senders, focusing on authentication, reported spam rates, and easy unsubscribe options.
Bulk senders must use SPF, DKIM, and DMARC mechanisms for email authentication.
Bulk senders must keep their reported spam rate below 0.10% in Google Postmaster Tools. [ more ]
6 months ago

New rules for bulk email senders from Google, Yahoo: What you need to know | MarTech

Google and Yahoo will enforce new requirements for bulk email senders, focusing on authentication, reported spam rates, and easy unsubscribe options.
Bulk senders must use SPF, DKIM, and DMARC mechanisms for email authentication.
Bulk senders must keep their reported spam rate below 0.10% in Google Postmaster Tools. [ more ]
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