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Time Out London
4 months ago

This immersive London tourist attraction has shut after less than a year

The BBC Earth Experience in London has shut down before its expected end date in August.
The attraction was centered around David Attenborough's documentary series 'Seven Worlds, One Planet'. Tickets were expensive, with adult tickets costing £29 and children's tickets at £19. [ more ]
Time Out London
4 months ago

A new David Attenborough VR experience has launched in London

Otherworld, a luxury virtual resort in London, has launched the David Attenborough Immersive Anthology.
The anthology allows visitors to experience a trio of short 3D films made by Attenborough for Sky.
Visitors can step into VR immersion pods and watch films about plants, insects, and flying creatures. [ more ]
Time Out London
4 months ago

This immersive London tourist attraction has shut after less than a year

The BBC Earth Experience in London has shut down before its expected end date in August.
The attraction was centered around David Attenborough's documentary series 'Seven Worlds, One Planet'. Tickets were expensive, with adult tickets costing £29 and children's tickets at £19. [ more ]
Time Out London
4 months ago

A new David Attenborough VR experience has launched in London

Otherworld, a luxury virtual resort in London, has launched the David Attenborough Immersive Anthology.
The anthology allows visitors to experience a trio of short 3D films made by Attenborough for Sky.
Visitors can step into VR immersion pods and watch films about plants, insects, and flying creatures. [ more ]
6 months ago
US news

Scientists have found the mostly intact skull of a giant, deadly sea reptile

Scientists have discovered a largely intact skull of a pliosaur, an ancient sea creature that lived off the coast of England millions of years ago.
The pliosaur had a parietal eye, glands on its snout, and 130 teeth, making it a formidable predator. [ more ]
1 year ago

How Much Watching Time Do You Have This Weekend?

Image Bridget Everett in the season finale of Somebody Somewhere.Credit...Sandy Morris/HBO Somebody Somewhere' When to watch: Sunday at 11:33 p.m., on HBO.Somebody Somewhere doesn't surprise you the way TV shows surprise you it surprises you the way life surprises you, and this weekend's season finale does exactly that, combining deep ache and ebullient dazzle.
1 year ago

How Much Watching Time Do You Have This Weekend?

Image Bridget Everett in the season finale of Somebody Somewhere.Credit...Sandy Morris/HBO Somebody Somewhere' When to watch: Sunday at 11:33 p.m., on HBO.Somebody Somewhere doesn't surprise you the way TV shows surprise you it surprises you the way life surprises you, and this weekend's season finale does exactly that, combining deep ache and ebullient dazzle.
1 year ago

How Much Watching Time Do You Have This Weekend?

Image Bridget Everett in the season finale of Somebody Somewhere.Credit...Sandy Morris/HBO Somebody Somewhere' When to watch: Sunday at 11:33 p.m., on HBO.Somebody Somewhere doesn't surprise you the way TV shows surprise you it surprises you the way life surprises you, and this weekend's season finale does exactly that, combining deep ache and ebullient dazzle.
1 year ago

How Much Watching Time Do You Have This Weekend?

Image Bridget Everett in the season finale of Somebody Somewhere.Credit...Sandy Morris/HBO Somebody Somewhere' When to watch: Sunday at 11:33 p.m., on HBO.Somebody Somewhere doesn't surprise you the way TV shows surprise you it surprises you the way life surprises you, and this weekend's season finale does exactly that, combining deep ache and ebullient dazzle.
1 year ago

Watch a series of talks exploring "planet-saving" solutions using crafts

Dezeen has teamed up with The Mills Fabrica to livestream a series of talks presenting future-facing climate solutions using crafts during London Craft Week.You can watch the event here from 9:30am London time.Called Planet-Saving Innovations, the one-day event will feature a programme of keynotes, panels and talks where industry leaders will explore the role of crafts and design in mitigating the effects of climate change.
1 year ago

Thor the disoriented walrus enthralled Brits, but cut no ice with climate sceptics | Robin McKie

As migrant arrivals go, the appearance of Thor the Walrus in British waters last week was encouraging.Thousands flocked to greet the huge mammal as he meandered up England's east coast after his arrival in Hampshire in December.Subsequent stopovers included Scarborough, where the local council cancelled New Year's Eve celebrations so they did not frighten Thor, who gratefully responded by masturbating.
1 year ago

Watch a series of talks exploring "planet-saving" solutions using crafts

Dezeen has teamed up with The Mills Fabrica to livestream a series of talks presenting future-facing climate solutions using crafts during London Craft Week.You can watch the event here from 9:30am London time.Called Planet-Saving Innovations, the one-day event will feature a programme of keynotes, panels and talks where industry leaders will explore the role of crafts and design in mitigating the effects of climate change.
1 year ago

Thor the disoriented walrus enthralled Brits, but cut no ice with climate sceptics | Robin McKie

As migrant arrivals go, the appearance of Thor the Walrus in British waters last week was encouraging.Thousands flocked to greet the huge mammal as he meandered up England's east coast after his arrival in Hampshire in December.Subsequent stopovers included Scarborough, where the local council cancelled New Year's Eve celebrations so they did not frighten Thor, who gratefully responded by masturbating.
Secret London
1 year ago
NYC drinking

This Doodle-Filled Cocktail Bar Simply Oozes Literary Sophistication

You know what the best nights really need?It's not thumping music and frenetic energy.It's not massive venues full of people jostling each other and spilling drinks as they exclaim 'BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE.' No, we're getting too old for that.The best nights are spent in cosy surroundings, with delicious drinks, and touches of luxury.
1 year ago

How did our dog manage to work his way across all the boundaries I set in the house? | Ranjana Srivastava

I am so sorry!A big dog has suddenly cornered mine in the dog park.I am furious but hold my tongue, conceding that its elderly owner could not have intervened any faster.Relief courses through my veins as I snatch my dog away.My children would have killed me if anything ever happened to him.Were you on your phone?
Secret London
1 year ago
NYC drinking

This Doodle-Filled Cocktail Bar Simply Oozes Literary Sophistication

You know what the best nights really need?It's not thumping music and frenetic energy.It's not massive venues full of people jostling each other and spilling drinks as they exclaim 'BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE.' No, we're getting too old for that.The best nights are spent in cosy surroundings, with delicious drinks, and touches of luxury.
1 year ago

How did our dog manage to work his way across all the boundaries I set in the house? | Ranjana Srivastava

I am so sorry!A big dog has suddenly cornered mine in the dog park.I am furious but hold my tongue, conceding that its elderly owner could not have intervened any faster.Relief courses through my veins as I snatch my dog away.My children would have killed me if anything ever happened to him.Were you on your phone?
London On The Inside
1 year ago

David Attenborough VR Experience | News | London On The Inside

Like watching David Attenborough documentaries?How about stepping inside of one?That's exactly what you'll be able to do with this new immersive virtual reality experience coming to Westfield in White City.Alchemy Immersive and Meta Immersive Learning are celebrating the release of their latest VR series, Conquest of the Skies, which features David Attenborough guiding viewers through the evolution of flight in the natural world.
1 year ago
UK news

Sir David Attenborough remembers the Queen: The whole nation is bereaved'

Sir David Attenborough has joined other influential figures in paying tribute to the Queen, saying she had an extraordinary ability to put you at your ease.
London On The Inside
1 year ago

David Attenborough VR Experience | News | London On The Inside

Like watching David Attenborough documentaries?How about stepping inside of one?That's exactly what you'll be able to do with this new immersive virtual reality experience coming to Westfield in White City.Alchemy Immersive and Meta Immersive Learning are celebrating the release of their latest VR series, Conquest of the Skies, which features David Attenborough guiding viewers through the evolution of flight in the natural world.
1 year ago
UK news

Sir David Attenborough remembers the Queen: The whole nation is bereaved'

Sir David Attenborough has joined other influential figures in paying tribute to the Queen, saying she had an extraordinary ability to put you at your ease.
1 year ago

WATCH: Giant Christmas baubles fly down London road as Storm hits

Giant Christmas baubles fly down London road as Storm hits (Image: Canva/The Shard Borough) A video of huge Christmas decorations flying down a London street has gone viral after the scene was described as "something from a film".The festive incident took place on Tottenham Court Road in the early hours of Tuesday morning as two huge mirrored baubles bounced down the street.
Happiful Magazine
1 year ago
Mental health

10 ways to look after your mental health in winter

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, we explore some simple ways to take care of yourself this winter
For some, a change in season can bring about a certain energy.
1 year ago
UK news

Royal piper says King Charles once asked him to play AC/DC

The Queen's former piper, Pipe Major Scott Methven has recalled how King Charles III formerly known as the Prince of Wales once asked him to play AC/DC at an event.
1 year ago
UK news

Record-breaking swim will be just another day at office for extreme adventurer

Extreme adventurer Ross Edgley is set to take on one of his most demanding challenges yet a 48-hour non-stop swim in Scotland's Loch Ness.
Investor's Business Daily
1 year ago
Remote teams

How To Make Remote Workers Feel At Home

He's the CEO of StarMeUp, an employee engagement and recognition software company.
1 year ago
UK news

Royal piper says King Charles once asked him to play AC/DC

The Queen's former piper, Pipe Major Scott Methven has recalled how King Charles III formerly known as the Prince of Wales once asked him to play AC/DC at an event.
1 year ago
UK news

Record-breaking swim will be just another day at office for extreme adventurer

Extreme adventurer Ross Edgley is set to take on one of his most demanding challenges yet a 48-hour non-stop swim in Scotland's Loch Ness.
Investor's Business Daily
1 year ago
Remote teams

How To Make Remote Workers Feel At Home

He's the CEO of StarMeUp, an employee engagement and recognition software company.
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