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2 weeks ago

John Adams obituary

John Adams pioneered risk exploration in geography, delving into risk compensation and individual risk thermostats, challenging safety measures and contributing significantly to the field. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
4 weeks ago

Brooklyn Public Library starts tool-lending program

Greenpoint Library launched a "tool library" program with over 130 equipment options for local residents to borrow, promoting environmentalism and the sharing economy. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden is making it harder to buy homes - just to please green radicals and Wall Street

HUD's new 'energy-saving' rule under President Biden increases home construction costs, impacting affordability for federally assisted buyers. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
OMG science

Why climate change ISN'T going to end the world

Many young people fear the imminent destruction of Earth due to climate change, but Cambridge professor Mike Hulme argues that the world is not ending. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Scientists under arrest: the researchers taking action over climate change

Climate scientist Peter Kalmus is deeply alarmed by the state of the planet due to climate change.
Kalmus abandoned his astrophysics career to focus on the impact of intensifying temperatures and is frustrated by policymakers' lack of appropriate response. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
OMG science

Why climate change ISN'T going to end the world

Many young people fear the imminent destruction of Earth due to climate change, but Cambridge professor Mike Hulme argues that the world is not ending. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Scientists under arrest: the researchers taking action over climate change

Climate scientist Peter Kalmus is deeply alarmed by the state of the planet due to climate change.
Kalmus abandoned his astrophysics career to focus on the impact of intensifying temperatures and is frustrated by policymakers' lack of appropriate response. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
1 month ago

The Queer Brown Vegan Makes a Strong Case for the Importance of Queer Ecology - San Francisco Bay Times

Isaias Hernandez, aka Queer Brown Vegan, is a dedicated environmentalist and educator who focuses on improving environmental literacy through content creation and public engagements. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

Earth911 Inspiration: Smart Monkeys Ruining Their Only Planet?

Jane Goodall's quote urges reflection on human impact on the planet. [ more ]
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
2 months ago
UX design

This Chair Allows Plants to Grow On it And Puts Nature Before Human Needs - Yanko Design

Chairs designed with plant growth in mind, humans secondary
Chia-Chair emphasizes plant life over human comfort [ more ]
2 months ago

Joan Jonas: A Trailblazer Shines at MoMA

Creativity has no hierarchies; all materials have equal potential.
Joan Jonas is a trailblazer in video, performance, and installation art, blending feminist and environmentalist themes. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth GameSpot Review

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth explores the struggle between fate and freedom, authorship and agency.
The game presents a narrative about the destructive impact of exploiting natural resources and the consequences of radical environmentalism. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
4 months ago

The latest show at England's Baltic sets a whole new bar for exhibiting art in a climate crisis

'Stepping Softly on the Earth' at Baltic in Gateshead encourages new thinking and marks a shift in how exhibitions are conceived and presented.
The show brings together work by non-Western and indigenous artists who challenge the human-centered perspective and emphasize interconnectedness. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago
Los Angeles

Environmentalist divests from Big Oil after Times investigation of California lawmakers' stocks

Assemblymember Gail Pellerin has divested from several oil and chemical companies after a Times investigation highlighted her investments that contradict her environmental goals.
Pellerin's investments included stocks in companies such as Freeport-McMoRan and Dow Chemical, which have been associated with pollution and endangering species. [ more ]
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