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Berlin Startup Jobs
5 days ago

Job Vacancy: Infrastructure/Backend Engineer (f/d/m) // Maya Climate | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Seeking Infrastructure/Backend Engineer with cloud expertise, database management skills, CI/CD experience, and devotion to security and reliability. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
3 weeks ago

Job Vacancy: Senior DevOps Engineer // MODIFI | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

MODIFI aims to drive global business growth with innovative solutions in payments, trade financing, and trade management. [ more ]
6 months ago

Which are the Top 5 DevOps Tools for Cloud Infrastructure?

Automation and efficiency are key benefits of using DevOps tools for cloud infrastructure.
Collaboration and communication are improved with DevOps tools, leading to reduced risk and downtime. [ more ]
5 days ago

Alibaba Cloud built its edge network on Intel ethernet ASICs

Alibaba Cloud uses Intel Tofino ASICs in its edge networking hardware to optimize network performance and support diverse functions in a compact 2U box. [ more ]
Cloud Pro
1 week ago

Spain is rolling in hyperscaler data center investment

AWS is planning a significant investment in cloud and AI infrastructure in Spain, indicating a boost to the region's technological innovation and economic development. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft announces $2.2bn AI, cloud investment in Malaysia

Microsoft announces $2.2bn investment in Malaysia for AI and cloud infrastructure, including training 200,000 people. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies


Insight Partners has raised $9.5 billion for its largest technology-focused fund.
The fund will invest in companies across various stages and sectors, including enterprise software, cloud infrastructure, cybersecurity, and AI. [ more ]
1 week ago

UniSuper's Entire Infrastructure Deleted by Internal Google Cloud Error

Lack of disaster recovery plan caused significant outage for UniSuper fund members. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Google goes all in on generative AI at Google Cloud Next | TechCrunch

There was barely a mention of core cloud tech. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Alkira connects with $100M for a solution that connects your clouds | TechCrunch

Enterprise startups are gaining traction for tools to manage cloud usage. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Amazon to invest $9bn in Singapore to expand cloud services

Amazon plans $9bn investment in Singapore to expand cloud infrastructure. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Cloud revenue accelerates 21% to $76 billion for the latest earnings cycle | TechCrunch

The cloud infrastructure market has experienced significant growth driven by generative AI and data requirements. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Announcing Generative AI CDK Constructs | Amazon Web Services

Generative AI CDK Constructs is an open-source extension of AWS CDK that provides well-architected multi-service patterns for generative AI projects.
The initial release includes five CDK constructs for generative AI capabilities like question and answering, summarization, and model deployment. [ more ]
1 month ago

Attack (or Penetrate Test) Cloud Native the Easy Way

Weak cloud native infrastructure security defenses leave distributed networks vulnerable to attacks via simple tools or unpatched security holes, including easy access through dark web purchases. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

A government watchdog hacked a US federal agency to stress-test its cloud security | TechCrunch

The Department of the Interior conducted a successful penetration test on its cloud infrastructure using fake data.
The OIG team was able to exfiltrate seemingly sensitive personal data without being detected by the Department's cybersecurity defenses. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Spear Phishing vs Phishing: What Are The Main Differences?

Phishing is the most common attack vector, with 1.6 billion potentially harmful emails sent in 2023.
Spear phishing is a highly targeted form of phishing that can cause greater damage. [ more ]
1 month ago

US-EAST-1 is not unreliable says AWS Compute boss

US-EAST-1 region is where AWS operates at a bigger scale, stressing services the most
Graviton CPUs originated from Nitro cards, allowing servers to focus on workloads [ more ]
3 months ago

Competition in the cloud: Microsoft's 'unfair' licensing tactics go under the microscope | Computer Weekly

Microsoft's share of the global cloud infrastructure market is increasing at the expense of AWS.
Microsoft's anti-competitive software licensing practices are raising concerns in the industry. [ more ]
1 month ago

Vendor lock-in hurts UK govt ability to negotiate spending

UK government admits vendor lock-in affecting cloud infrastructure spending negotiation power.
Continued dominance of AWS and Azure could lead to limited government leverage over pricing and services. [ more ]
2 months ago

France first to intro law to tackle cloud licensing excesses

French lawmakers agree on fair software licensing for cloud customers.
Competition agencies investigate Microsoft's cloud software licensing policies in Europe. [ more ]
2 months ago

Keepit brings backup and restore to unprotected SaaS applications | Computer Weekly

Organizations use various SaaS services that require backup, as they are largely unprotected by default.
Keepit provides cloud-to-cloud backup solutions to protect SaaS application data with independent datacentre capacity. [ more ]
2 months ago

Oracle Cloud: A discussion about public cloud, dedicated regions and Alloy | Computer Weekly

Oracle emphasizes distributed cloud strategy with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) database in Microsoft Azure datacentres.
Development of Oracle Alloy platform for service providers and large enterprises mirroring OCI's public cloud services. [ more ]
2 months ago

Euro-cloud consortium issues ultimatum to Microsoft

European cloud infrastructure providers issue ultimatum to Microsoft over pricing and feature discrimination.
CISPE files a complaint with EU antitrust cops against Microsoft for unfair practices. [ more ]
3 months ago

Microsoft reportedly in discussions with CISPE to remedy 'unfair' cloud software licensing practices | Computer Weekly

Microsoft is in discussions with the Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers in Europe (CISPE) trade body regarding concerns about how customers are charged when using Microsoft's online productivity tools on competitors' public clouds.
CISPE filed a formal complaint against Microsoft in November 2022, urging the European Commission to investigate the alleged anti-competitive licensing practices by Microsoft. [ more ]
3 months ago

Microsoft and Euro cloud group in talks over software spat

The Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers in Europe (CISPE) association is back at the negotiating table to resolve its lawsuit against Microsoft over alleged anti-competitive licensing policies.
The lawsuit hinges on the higher costs of buying and running Microsoft products in cloud infrastructure outside of Azure, as well as the policy change that requires customers to buy separate licenses for non-Azure clouds. [ more ]
3 months ago

IT leaders are finding the right balance between on-premise and cloud | Computer Weekly

Organizations have found a balance between public and private cloud infrastructure.
Cost benefits and data security are key factors driving infrastructure choices. [ more ]
4 months ago

DoorDash Uses Service Mesh and Cell-Based Architecture to Significantly Reduce Data Transfer Costs

DoorDash optimized its cloud infrastructure costs by implementing zone-aware routing with its Envoy-based service mesh.
Zone-aware routing reduced cross-AZ data transfer costs by directing traffic within the same availability zone (AZ). [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
4 months ago

Job Vacancy: Senior DevOps Engineer // MODIFI | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

MODIFI is seeking an experienced DevOps Engineer to join their team in Berlin.
The role involves maintaining and advancing the cloud infrastructure and CI/CD pipelines, as well as supporting junior team members. [ more ]
5 months ago
Business intelligence

Oracle share prices slide as it misses revenue expectations

Oracle's market valuation has decreased due to lower than expected revenue growth in Q2 of its fiscal 2024.
The acquisition of Cerner, a health software firm, has impacted Oracle's earnings. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft Debuts Custom Chips for Cloud and AI: Azure Maia AI Accelerator and Azure Cobalt CPU

Microsoft has unveiled two custom-designed chips for its cloud infrastructure, the Azure Maia AI Accelerator and Azure Cobalt CPU.
The Maia AI chip is optimized for AI tasks and will power Microsoft's internal AI workloads on Azure while the Azure Cobalt is tailored for general-purpose compute workloads on the Microsoft Cloud. [ more ]
6 months ago

How to Manage Cloud Services with Terraform

Terraform is an open source tool for managing cloud infrastructure through code.
Over 60,000 companies globally are using Terraform today.
Terraform offers a unified interface for managing multicloud and on-premises infrastructure. [ more ]
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