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Fast Company
1 week ago

Airbus' new electric truck has an airliner cockpit

Airbus demonstrates automated taxiing for safer airports using A350 controls on a truck. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
2 months ago

SpaceX rockets into top 10 with $3.5 billion brand value ranking

Boeing remains the most valuable aerospace and defense brand despite a decrease in brand value.
Airbus ranks second with a rising brand value and is the world's strongest Aerospace & Defence brand. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

India's Tata and Europe's Airbus sign deal to manufacture helicopters

Tata and Airbus have signed an agreement to manufacture civilian helicopters together during French President Macron's visit to India.
The deal includes the production of H125 helicopters with a significant indigenous and localization component. [ more ]
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