The Ingenious New Horror Movie That Reinvents the Slasher

Triggered by the blockbuster success of John Carpenter's low-budget 1978 Halloween, the early-1980s deluge of cookie-cutter hack-'em-ups slowed to a drip by the end of the decade, and it wasn't until 1996 that the subgenre saw a resurgence thanks to Scream. Self-awareness yielded a new flood that petered out within a decade or so.
David Gordon Green's 2018 requel hit hard by reinvesting in beloved characters, bringing a fresh perspective to the slasher genre by focusing on character development and relationships instead of just scares.
Halina Reijn's 2022 film Bodies Bodies Bodies starts with a traditional slasher setup but subverts expectations by offering a maniac-free resolution, showing that slight twists can bring new life to the genre.
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