Did Biden and Xi just hit a reset? Not quite, but they did agree on a few things

President Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping shook hands, took a stroll through a garden and generally made nice on Wednesday when they met face-to-face for the first time in a year. After more than four hours of talks at a historic estate in the hills south of San Francisco, the two leaders emerged with agreements to cooperate and keep talking. Biden even said he and Xi agreed that they should be able to pick up the phone and talk with one another whenever they want. Xi also praised the achievements of this meeting on Wednesday evening. In an address to U.S. business leaders in downtown San Francisco, the Chinese leader said there is 'plenty of room for our corporations, and we are fully able to help each other succeed and achieve win-win outcomes.'
On Wednesday evening, Biden told a news conference that he had not shied away from taking a tough tone with his Chinese counterpart. He again used the word 'dictator' to describe his Chinese counterpart. 'I know the man. I know his modus operandi,' the U.S. president said. Biden later said: 'He's a dictator in the sense that he he is a guy who runs a country that it's a communist country that is based on a form of government totally different than ours.'
Still, the hours of talks yielded a handful of agreements that analysts say could inject a modicum of stability into a rocky relationship. Top among them is an agreement to resume high-level military-to-military dialogue.
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