Goodbye Scraped Labels! Luxury Spacing Is the Solution You've Been Looking For

"By far, Latitude L wine cellars have the best spacing between shelves as compared to other units in its class, and in a sleeker, more efficient design too," says Wine Storage Expert and Chief Revenue and Education Officer of Wine Enthusiast Marshall Tilden III.
If you're buying and selling wine on the market, the condition of your labels can make or break your return. According to Zachary Karle, Partner at fine wine dealers Baron Wines USA, label damage can decrease the value of your bottles by 10- to 15-percent, depending on the age and worth of the wine itself. "Damage to the label can be an obvious indicator of poor storage conditions. Especially when dealing with older bottles, storage quality is paramount. Any potential issues can cause a sharp drop in pricing," says Karle.
Read at Wine Enthusiast