Women Are Sharing The Times They Were Dismissed By Doctors

I was having really bad diarrhea with some of the worst abdominal pain I've ever felt... An ambulance was called and I was wheeled into the ER where a bunch of doctors proceeded to NOT take a stool sample, NOT believe I wasn't pregnant, and NOT believe I wasn't menstruating...I ended up going home without a diagnosis and any medication because they refused to prescribe me pain medication.
You should not be qualified to practice medicine if you think a woman menstruates out of her butt. You also should not be able to call yourself a doctor if you don't believe that a patient tells you they are not sexually active...Not every ailment and medical issue is related to a woman's goddamn reproductive system!
I went off birth control to try to get pregnant. Gained a bunch of weight very quickly, and my periods altogether stopped...When I insisted on more testing, she reiterated that I just needed to diet. I left her practice, saw someone else, and turned out I had Hashimotos and PCOS.
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