
vue-concurrency aims to provide a reasonable abstraction for performing asynchronous operations. It reduces boilerplate code, provides reliable derived state and allows new approaches to techniques like throttling, debouncing, polling. Read more about why and how in the docs:
The problem: defensive programming, race conditions Client side applications often have to deal with managing asynchronous operations. These can be asynchronous requests to the server, logic happening in the background and also reacting to user input in various forms - scrolling, navigating, interacting with form UI and so on. We also want to create more resilient UIs which means we want to retry AJAX calls repeatedly in case of a network fail, or we want to give the user an option to retry manually.
Features Vue 3 + Vue 2.7 (Version >= 4.x) Vue 2 + @vue/composition-api (Version < 4.x) TypeScript support Async cancellation via generator functions and CAF Providing AbortSignal to abort XHR/Fetch requests Derived reactive state to track status of async operations: isRunning, isIdle, isFinished, isCancelled and more Concurrency management: drop(), restartable(), enqueue() and other tasks SSR support (experimental) Installation 1. Install with npm and yarn NPM npm install --save vue-concurrenc
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