Fortnite Is Currently Filled With Racist AI-Generated Art

If you boot up right now and start digging around through the game's massive amount of user-created content, you'll quickly notice a strange pattern: Many user-made maps and modes feature AI-generated artwork of large men, often shirtless, smiling, and holding food. Some of these images also feature crude, racist depictions of people. And yet, thousands of players across Fortnite' s platforms are playing these modes and Epic seems unaware of the situation or isn't stepping in to remove the offensive images flooding the game.
As a platform, Fortnite offers creators everywhere a free way to create and distribute content to millions of players and get paid if any of those creations hit it big. But that easy access to a large audience that is hungry for new content has, inevitably, led to Fortnite becoming overfilled with copycats and clones who look for the latest trend and milk it, filling the platform with garbage.
Read at Kotaku