Every Game I Loved in 2023 Was Imperfect

Well, not to be the resident Scrooge, but I am tired of this sentiment. There have been a lot of games this year. We've even given out more than a handful of 10/10s to several of them. Alas, as the new year approaches and I look back at every game I've played in 2023, I can't help but question the sentiment that it's been a great year for games. Rather, I find so much imperfection in every game I've loved this year.
Part of the problem is that 2022 was, to me, already an excellent year for games. Citizen Sleeper came out in the first half of the year and immediately established itself as one of the best games I have ever played. The second half of the year kept things going with, a game I can't stop thinking about even a year later.
The more I heard others discussing how good games were this year the more I tried to decipher what was lacking in my mind. What I came to realize is that the games I loved the most felt like they had a unique vision that they were so committed to, but something derailed this ideal and left the game just short of reaching its true potential. This left me feeling that every game was unfinished and imperfect in its design.
Read at Inverse