5 Years Later, I Still Haven't Emotionally Recovered From Kingdom Hearts 3

Kingdom Hearts 3 has problems, quite a few of them. The Disney worlds feel uneven in quality, and the story is absurdly back-loaded into the final third. But despite that, its last five hours represent one of my favorite endings in video games, filled with an unbelievable amount of catharsis and emotional payoff. It's ironic that the game includes a Toy Story world, as the narrative beats in Kingdom Hearts 3 remind me a lot of Toy Story 3, with its feeling of finality, acceptance, and moving on.
The centerpiece of all this is Sora, the glue that holds everyone and everything from the series together. He's the dense but kindhearted boy that everyone grows to love, the hero that never frowns in the face of adversity. That's exactly what makes the first step of the final battle so gut-wrenching, as the party loses to Xehanort's forces in The Badlands.
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