Why the Primary Calendar Is Stacked in Trump's Favor

As Nikki Haley raced to catch her overnight charter from Des Moines to Manchester, her team kept double-checking the numbers. The former South Carolina Governor and ex-Ambassador to the United Nations had posted a disappointing third-place finish in Iowa's lead-off caucus on Monday, but the result doesn't much alter the math that really matters: the chase for 1,215 delegates to the nominating convention in Milwaukee come July.
But that's where the rules of the nominating contest grow increasingly friendly to the frontrunner. At Trump's behest, Nevada Republicans passed a rule that blocks super PACs like the one doing a heavy lift for DeSantis' day-to-day operations from being in the mix. The party also will now offer delegates through a caucus rather than a primary, a change seen as a favor to hardcore activists over casual voters.
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