Standing My Ground review: Capitol cop Harry Dunn on January 6 and the Trumpist threat

On that terrible day, Dunn and hundreds of his fellow Capitol cops were in hand-to-hand combat with scores of drunken and drug-addled seditionists. The police officers were attacked with everything from metal bike racks to flagpoles and banisters ripped from the stairs of the building. You could hear the screaming and hollering as the battle raged on, Dunn writes. Blood was streaming down officers' faces. They were yelling, grunting, and trying to force the rioters back. Many of them were blinded and coughing after being doused with pepper spray, bear spray, and even WD-40.
In the years since then, Dunn has beaten back post-traumatic stress disorder with the help of his family, his friends, professional therapists and sympathetic Congress members like Jamie Raskin of Maryland. Raskin took Dunn to lunch after the officer called the congressman's office to tell him he was the source of an anonymous quote in a story in BuzzFeed which to Dunn's delight Raskin had tweeted out. Since then, Dunn has made dozens of public appearances and written this book, with a single goal: I want the people responsible for that day, including Trump to pay a price, just like we paid a price I will always be standing my ground to make sure our democracy exists. And I'll ask that you stand with me so that nothing like this ever happens again.
Dunn reserves his greatest anger for those he and his fellow officers risked their lives for in the face of that furious mob. He wa
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