Here's what to make of the Iowa Caucus entrance polls.

There are two of these exit-type polls. The National Election Pool (N.E.P.) made up of ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC and Edison Research conduct one, commonly known as the N.E.P. Exit Poll. The A.P.-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research conducts the other, called VoteCast, for The Associated Press and Fox News.
After 2016, the N.E.P. made some methodological changes to its poll to account for educational division in the electorate. That means its polls this cycle may not always necessarily be directly comparable to exit polls from 2016, the last year there was a competitive Republican primary. VoteCast began in 2018, so it does not have 2016 data for comparison. At The Times, we'll consider the N.E.P. and VoteCast polls in the context of our own Times/Siena polls, other public polling and, after votes are reported, precinct-level returns provided by the Iowa Republican Party.
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