Wait, We've Been Flying the Flag the Alitos Had? San Francisco Takes It Down.

A San Francisco resident raised concerns that the Appeal to Heaven flag was flying over the city, after revelations in The New York Times that the same flag had flown outside Justice Alito's second home on Long Beach Island, N.J.
Critics said Justice Alito should have recused himself from cases related to the Jan. 6 attack because of the flag's association with the rioters at the U.S. Capitol who attempted to stop the certification of Joe Biden as president.
Ms. Breed ordered the flag's removal, and city employees replaced it on Saturday with an American flag, according to Jeff Cretan, a spokesman for the mayor.
The flag dates to the Revolutionary War and was flown from George Washington's ships as a symbol of rebellion against the British. Above the tree, the white flag has the words An Appeal to Heaven in black lettering.
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